On May 8th, 2009, Scott Umscheid entered his first KCBS BBQ competition in his home town of Platte City, MO. With a team of his brother-in law-Josh Hulett, Josh's Dad Roger Hulett, and a great friend of the family, Tyler Fadler. It was during the 14th annual Platte City BBQ cook off held at the famous Basswood Resort. Scott's responsibility was chicken, so he did some research and several practice cooks before turning in his chicken box, Saturday, May 9th at noon. Fast forward to our first ever results ceremony, a few hours later, and we probably had 30 plus people there to see what the judges thought about our first ever BBQ. Chicken results come first and the KCBS rep started with #10, then #9 and so forth all the way down to #2 and we...