Square Coffee dedicates to creating a harmonious and unique coffee-sharing ecology. We know that our quality depends on our raw coffee beans. So Square Coffee and our partners have been working to find the best plain coffee beans and develop subtle baking methods. We hope all our friends who love coffee can share our carefully prepared flavors, aromas, and acidity. We are also looking forward to more friends seeking to join us. 方咖啡致力于打造和谐独特的咖啡共享生态。 我们知道我们的质量取决于我们的生咖啡豆。所以Square Coffee和我们的合作伙伴一直在努力寻找最好的纯咖啡豆,并开发出微妙的烘焙方法。 我们希望所有热爱咖啡的朋友都能分享我们精心准备的口味、香气和酸度。 我们也期待着更多的朋友加入我们。