A refreshing tea infused with the vibrant aroma of natural Osmanthus flowers, perfectly blended with Yifang’s signature Lu-gu Dong Ding Oolong tea. Paired with our house-special Osmanthus jelly, this drink delivers a delightful floral experience and a silky-smooth texture in every sip. 這是一款清新怡人的茶飲,散發出天然桂花的馥郁芳香,與一芳招牌鹿谷凍頂烏龍茶完美融合。搭配店家特製的桂花凍,這款茶飲在每一口中都能帶來愉悅的花香體驗與絲滑的口感。\n
Osmanthus Oolong Tea Latte, 桂花烏龍茶鮮奶
A delightful infusion of natural Osmanthus flowers blended with Yifang’s Lu-gu Dong Ding Oolong tea. Paired with creamy organic clover milk, this drink offers a harmonious balance of floral elegance and gentle sweetness. A perfect choice for tea lovers seeking a fragrant and smooth experience. 这是一款令人愉悦的茶饮,将天然桂花与一芳的鹿谷冻顶乌龙茶完美融合。搭配浓郁的有机鮮奶,呈现出花香与柔和甜味的和谐平衡。对于追求芳香与顺滑体验的茶饮爱好者来说,这无疑是一个理想的选择。\n
Dairy drink, milk substitute option not available. Recommend 50% sweetness.
Cheese Creamer 芝士奶蓋系列
Cheese Creamer Green Tea 芝士奶蓋綠茶
Freshly whipped cheese cream with sprinkle of sea salt layers on top of Yifang's Pouchong green tea. *Recommend 50% sweetness
Cheese Creamer Oolong Tea 芝士奶蓋烏龍茶
Freshly whipped cheese cream with sprinkle of sea salt layers on top of Yifang's Lugu Oolong tea. *Recommend 50% sweetness
Cheese Creamer Black Tea 芝士奶蓋紅茶
Freshly whipped cheese cream with sprinkle of sea salt layers on top of Yifang's signature Sun Moon Lake black tea. *Recommend 50% sweetness
Cheese Creamer Mountain Tea 芝士奶蓋青茶
Freshly whipped cheese cream with sprinkle of sea salt layers on top of Yifang's Mountain tea. *Recommend 50% sweetness
Cheese Creamer Mango Fruit Tea 芝士奶蓋芒果水果茶 (+L)
Freshly whipped cheese cream with sprinkle of sea salt layers on top of freshly blended mango juice, passion fruit and mountain tea. *Recommend 50% sweetness
Fruit Tea 水果茶系列
Yifang Fruit Tea 一芳水果茶 (Signature Tea)
Yifang's signature product - Crafted with Taiwan Songboling's top quality mountain tea, infused with traditionally braised passionfruit and pineapple, and freshly cut seasonal fruits to bring the fruit tea's flavor and tartness to its best equilibrium. Lastly, the fruit tea is customized with your desired sweetness using our in-house hand-crafted organic cane sugar. This is truly a refreshing medley of flavors working in unisons. *Recommend with less ice & 30% sweetness (Passion fruit seeds are edible)
Lychee Fruit Tea 荔枝水果茶
Blended lychee served with mountain tea. Recommend 50% sweetness. Only regular and less ice available. \n
Lychee Aloe Sago 荔枝蘆薈甘露
Lychee blended with green tea and ice. Fixed ice. Serves with aloe vera and sago by default. May substitute other toppings.
Pineapple Green Tea 金鑽鳳梨綠
Another Yifang's signature drink - The Taiwanese pineapple flavor is truly a fantastic tropical treat. The lightly blended green tea enhances the tropical fruit flavors to take the center stage. No wonder this is an all-time favorite tea to the Taiwanese local foodies. *Recommend with regular ice & 30% sweetness
Passion Fruit Green Tea 埔里百香綠
The tea is full bodied with the flavors of the exotic passion fruits of the tropics from Puli, Taiwan. The tartness from the passion fruit blended with the lightly oxidized green tea gives a hint of floral and melon fragrance and has a rich, mild taste. *Recommend with regular ice & 30% sweetness (Passion fruit seeds are edible)
Green Plum Green Tea 信義脆梅綠
Pouchong green tea mixes with Taiwan Xin Yi green plum and green plum juice. *Recommend less ice & 30% sugar or more
Grapefruit Sago Green Tea 葡萄柚綠茶甘露
Recommend 70% sweetness
Winter Melon Lemonade 冬瓜檸檬露
The taste of Wintermelon is very subtle but distinct and is widely popular in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. We cooked the Wintermleon to extract the best taste from the melon, then blend with fresh lemon juice to create this heavenly refreshing lemonade. *Recommend regular ice & 70% sugar or more (Caffeine Free)
Lemon Green Tea 九如檸檬綠
Indulge yourself with this green tea drink with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The lemon citrus notes bring out the perfume of the green tea and perfectly balance the tea bitterness. *Recommend regular ice & 70% sugar or more
Aiyu Jelly Lemon Green Tea中華愛玉檸檬
Pouchong green tea mixes with freshly squeezed lemon juice, lemon slice, and green tea flavored Aiyu jelly. *Recommend less ice & 70% sugar or more
Lemon Mountain Tea 九如檸檬青
Songboling Mountain Tea mixes with freshly squeezed lemon juice and lemon slice. *Recommend regular ice & 70% sugar or more
Mango Series 芒果系列
Mango Sago 芒果西米露
Limited Quantity. *Please note that this is an ice blended drink, the drink may be less frozen due to delivery time. Fixed ice. Recommend 50% or 100% sweetness. Caffiene free and dairy free.
Mango Fruit Tea 芒果水果茶
Taiwanese Aiwen mango and passionfruit jam with mountain tea. Regular ice and less ice option only. Recommend 30% for sweet and tart or 70% & above for a sweeter taste.
Mango Pomelo Sago 楊枝甘露
Limited Quantity. *Please note that this is an ice blended drink, the drink may be less frozen due to delivery time. Minimum sweetness is 50%, fixed ice. Caffeine free. Recommend 50% or 100% sweetness.
Strawberry Series 草莓系列
Strawberry Fruit Tea 草莓水果茶 (+L)
LARGE SIZE only. Ice blended drink (fixed ice). Yifang mountain tea with organic strawberries and fresh orange and apple slices slightly sweetened with organic cane sugar. Recommended 50% sweetness.
Strawberry Milk 草莓鮮奶 (+L)
LARGE SIZE only. Ice blended drink (fixed ice). Organic strawberries smoothly blended with fresh organic milk and ice. Recommended 30% sweetness.
Cheese Creamer Strawberry 芝芝莓莓 (+L)
LARGE SIZE only. Ice blended drink (fixed ice). Freshly whipped cheese cream with sprinkle of sea salt layers on top of strawberry milk. Recommended 30% sweetness.
Strawberry Sago 草莓甘露 (+L)
LARGE SIZE only. Ice blended drink (fixed ice). Strawberry Milk with generous portion of sago topping. Recommended 30% sweetness.
Peach Series 桃桃系列
Peach Grapefruit Green Tea 桃桃葡萄柚綠茶
Contains: Peach, grapefruit pulp, green tea. Minimum 30% sweet, no ice option NOT available. Recommended 50% sweet
Sparkling Peach Fruit Tea 桃氣泡泡
Feeling bubbly? Let's have some fun with our peach fruit tea and make it sparkle! Recommend 50% Sweetness. Fixed ice level.
Peach Green Tea Latte 桃桃鮮奶綠
Contains: Peach, green tea, organic whole milk. Minimum 30% sweet, no ice option NOT available. Recommend 50% sweet.
Almond Tea 杏仁露
Almond Jelly Pineapple Mountain Tea 鳳梨杏仁凍高山青茶
Pineapple Mountain Tea with blended ice and almond jelly. Dairy free. Fixed ice. Lowest sweetness is 30%. Recommend 30%-50% sweetness.
Grass Jelly Almond Latte 仙草杏仁露
Taiwanese almond latte with blended ice and grass jelly. ***Caffeine free & dairy free*** Fixed ice. Lowest sweetness is 30%. Recommend 30%-50% sweetness. ***May substitute grass jelly with almond jelly at no extra cost.***
Tea Latte 鮮奶茶系列
Kyoto Uji Matcha Latte 京都宇治抹茶鮮奶
Premium grade Kyoto Uji matcha blended with fresh organic milk.
Black Tea Latte 紅茶鮮奶
Yifang's version of Taiwanese milk tea with Clover organic milk. Highly recommend adding pearls to optimize the experience. *Recommend with regular ice & 50% sweetness
Brown Sugar Pearl Latte 黑糖粉圓鮮奶
FIXED ICE. The brown sugar pearl takes 2 hours of preparation to serve. It's one of the best selling items around the world. The fluffy pearls fully flavored by the yummy brown sugar blended with creamy organic Clover milk ... this is truly a heavenly boba invention! *Can be made with milk substitutes.
Grass Jelly Tea Latte 仙草凍奶茶
Grass Jelly with black tea and organic Clover milk. Recommend 50% sweetness.
Winter Melon Latte 冬瓜鮮奶
Decaffeinated. Fixed sweetness. Wintermelon drink mixed with organic clover milk. May substitute the milk to almond milk or oat milk.
Sweet Taro Sago 大甲鮮芋頭西米露
*Please note that this is an ice blended drink, the drink may be less frozen due to delivery time. Blended fresh taro from Dajia, Taiwan with organic whole milk, and served with sago. Caffeine free. Fixed ice for iced option. Recommend 30%-50% sweetness. Hot option available.
Pearl Black Tea Latte 粉圓鮮奶茶
Yifang's version of Taiwanese boba milk tea with Clover organic milk.*Recommend with regular ice & 50% sweetness
Cocoa Latte 巧克力可可鮮奶
Yifang's version of Taiwanese boba milk tea with Clover organic milk.*Recommend with regular ice & 50% sweetness. Egg Pudding contains dairy.
Fresh Taro Green Tea Latte 大甲鮮芋頭綠茶鮮奶
We use fresh taro from Taiwan Dajia, known for the best taro in the world. Blended with our organic milk and Yifang's signature Pouchong green tea. You will fall in love with it! Recommend 30%-50% sweetness
Brown Sugar Pearl Cocoa Latte 黑糖粉圓可可鮮奶
FIXED ICE. *Can be made with milk substitutes.
Brown Sugar Pearl Uji Matcha Latte 黑糖粉圓宇治抹茶鮮奶
FIXED ICE. *Can be made with milk substitutes.
Brown Sugar Pearl Oolong Tea Latte 黑糖粉圓烏龍茶鮮奶
FIXED ICE. *Can be made with milk substitutes.
Brown Sugar Pearl Black Tea Latte 黑糖粉圓鮮奶茶
FIXED ICE. The brown sugar pearl takes 2 hours of preparation to serve. It's one of the best selling items around the world. The fluffy pearls fully flavored by the yummy brown sugar blended with creamy organic Clover milk and our signature black tea... Boba Tea dream comes true! *Can be made with milk substitutes.
Green Tea Latte 翡翠鮮奶
Yifang's version of Taiwanese green milk tea with Clover organic milk. Highly recommend adding pearls to optimize the experience. *Recommend with regular ice & 50% sweetness
Oolong Tea Latte 烏龍鮮奶
Yifang's version of Taiwanese Oolong milk tea with Clover organic milk. Highly recommend adding pearls to optimize the experience. *Recommend with regular ice & 50% sweetness
Fresh Taiwanese Taro Latte 大甲鮮芋頭鮮奶
We use fresh taro from Taiwan Dajia, known for the best taro in the world. Blended with our organic milk, this is probably the best taro latte. Recommend 30%-50% sweetness
Tea 鮮茶系列
Sun Moon Lake Black Tea 日月潭紅茶
Sun Moon Lake is practically synonymous with black tea in Taiwan. The unique taste of this tea gives you a strong soothing hint of cinnamon and mint on the palate. *Recommend with regular ice & 70% sweetness
Pouchong Green Tea 包種綠茶
Pouchong tea leaf is only produced in Pinlin, Taiwan, and is recognized as one of the finest in the world. Pouchong is a lightly oxidized tea, gives off a floral and melon fragrance and has a rich, mild taste. *Recommend with regular ice & 70% sweetness
Songboling Mountain Tea 松柏嶺青茶
Made from carefully selected mountain tea leaves, these precious tea leaves are oxidized to retain the characteristic orchid scent, then, skillfully roasted to reveal the characteristic smooth wild honey taste and smooth finish with distinctive mineral notes. *Recommend with regular ice & 70% sweetness
Lugu Oolong Tea 鹿谷烏龍
The highest quality tea from the Lugu region of Nantou County in central Taiwan. The taste is clean and its aroma gives a hint of peach fruit taste with a creamy aftertaste. This oolong is a perfect treat for a relaxing afternoon. *Recommend with regular ice & 70% sweetness
Flavored Tea 調味茶系列
Multi-Floral Honey Mountain Tea 百花蜜青茶
Pure multi-floral honey with mountain tea *Recommend less ice & 100% sweetness recommended
Multi-Floral Honey Juice 百花蜜茶
Taiwan mountain tea mixes with multi-floral honey *Recommend less ice & 70% sweetness recommended
Pearl Black Tea 粉圓紅茶
Sun Moon Lake black tea with pearl. *Recommend with regular ice & 50% sweetness
Pearl Green Tea 粉圓綠茶
Pearl green tea with pearl. *Recommend with regular ice & 70% sweetness
Yakult Tea 養樂多系列
Yakult Pineapple Green Tea 養樂多鳳梨綠茶
Recommend 30-50% sweetness.
Yakult Mountain Tea 養樂多青茶
Recommend 50-70% sweetness
Yakult Passionfruit Green Tea 養樂多百香綠茶
Recommend 30-50% sweetness.
Yakult Lychee Green Tea 養樂多荔枝綠茶
Pure Lychee mix with Japanese Yakult probiotic drink and Yifang Pouchong Green Tea, real fruity no guilty! Recommend 50% sugar. 養樂多荔枝綠茶, 推薦50%的糖.
Yakult Peach Green Tea 養樂多桃桃綠茶
Real Peach mix with Japanese Yakult probiotic drink and Yifang Pouchong Green Tea, perfect peachy refreshing! Recommend 50% sugar. 養樂多桃桃綠茶, 推薦50%的糖.
Yakult Grapefruit Green Tea 養樂多葡萄柚綠茶
Japanese Yakult probiotic drink Mixed with Yifang Pouchong Green Tea, every sip with Real Ruby Red Grapefruit pulps pop in your mouth, tarty sweet refreshing! Recommend 50% sugar. 養樂多葡萄柚綠茶, 推薦50%的糖.
Traditional Taste 古早味系列
Grass Jelly Tea 關西仙草茶 (Fixed Sweetness)
Traditional Chinese Herbal Tea *Fixed sweetness
Winter Melon Drink 古釀冬瓜茶 (Fixed Sweetness)
Traditional Asia winter melon tea. *Fixed sweetness
Sugar Cane 甘蔗系列
Sugar Cane Latte 溪口甘蔗牛奶 (Seasonal)
Freshly squeezed sugar cane juice mixes with Clover organic milk. This is a rich and flavorful fresh drink. Must try! *Recommend regular ice and 30% -50% sweetness.
Sugar Cane Mountain Tea 溪口甘蔗青茶 (Seasonal)
"That sugarcane flavor you are tasting? Yes, it is real freshly pressed sugarcane juice. The flavorful and sweet juice gives an instant kick of energy and quenches the thirst. Sugarcane juice is a good source of glucose that helps to rehydrate our body and gives it a boost of energy. *Recommend regular ice and 30%-50% sweetness.\n\nThis tea is a sweet and thirst-quencher that is not only refreshing but also invigorating. """
Red Bean Series 蜜紅豆系列
Red Bean Mochi Cake Latte 蜜紅豆粉粿鮮奶
Limited Quantity. Fixed ice and sweetness. Caffeine free.
Purple Rice Red Bean Coconut Latte 紫米紅豆椰奶
A traditional dessert reinvented into a tasty drink with sweetened purple sticky rice, red bean, coconut milk, and fresh organic milk. Recommend 30%-50% sweetness. Caffeine free.
Red Bean Black Tea Latte 紅豆鮮奶茶
Limited Quantity. Recommend 30%-50% sweetness.
Winter Specials 冬季限定系列
Ginger Latte 薑汁鮮奶 (Large, Hot)
Fresh ginger tea brewed with organic raw cane sugar and served with fresh organic whole milk.
Ginger Tea Latte 薑汁鮮奶茶 (Large, Hot)
Fresh ginger tea brewed with organic raw cane sugar served with black tea and fresh organic whole milk.
Jujube Longan Tea Latte 桂圓紅棗鮮奶茶 (Hot, Large)
Made with jujube, longan, black tea, and organic whole milk.
Ginger Tea (Hot) 鹿野薑茶
Fresh ginger tea brewed with organic raw cane sugar. This is a great winter drink to help boost your immunity to fight the cold. *Fixed Sweetness. Available in Large size only. Contains black tea.
Lemon Ginger Tea (Hot) 薑汁檸檬茶
We prepare the ginger tea with the traditional recipe to extract the flavor and essence. Ginger tea is usually used to prevent colds and to aid in digestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, and menstrual cramps. Adding lemon will give you a boost of vitamin C to fight your cold. *Fixed sweetness. Hot & Large Only. Contains black tea.
Longan Ginger Tea (Hot) 薑汁桂圓
Fresh ginger tea brewed with organic longan and raw cane sugar. This is a great winter drink to help boost your immunity to fight the cold. *Fixed Sweetness. Available in Large size only. Contains black tea.
Longan & Jujube Tea (Hot) 桂圓紅棗茶
Longans and Chinese red dates (aka jujubes) are both very nutritious herbs. Jujubes help replenish and nourish your blood, thus improving blood circulation and immunity - promote relaxation and help you sleep. This tea helps to replenish vital energy and improve blood circulation, thus keeping the body warm. Great for the winter months! *Fixed Sweetness. Available in Large size only.