Creamy coconut milk topped with Watermelon, Taro Paste, Sago, Milk Pudding, QQ Noodle. \r\nCaffeine-free.\r\nCannot be made with no ice option.
Mango Pomelo Sago King 楊枝甘露
Fresh mango with hint of coconut milk.\r\nComes with Sago and Aiyu Jelly.\r\nCaffeine-free
Super Fruit Tea 六韻水果茶
Comes with apple slice, orange slice, lemon slice, grapefruit slice, and watermelon.\r\nCannot be made with no ice option.
Passion Fruit Green Tea 雙韻百香綠
Comes with Golden Boba and Pineapple Jelly.
Lychee Oolong Tea With Tea Jelly 荔枝烏龍凍凍
Comes with Iron Goddess Jelly
Aromatic Coffee 濃韻咖啡
Coconut Coffee Latte 生椰咖啡拿鐵
For perfect taste, this is served in 16oz medium size only.\r\nCreamy coconut milk paired with rich coffee.
Coffee Latte With Boba 生乳咖啡拿鐵(加珍珠)
For perfect taste, this is served in 16oz medium size only.\r\nLactose-free milk paired with rich coffee.
Light Calorie Latte 好韻拿鐵
Charming Mia Latte 蜜亞紅茶拿鐵
Recommended, Truewin signature Mia Black Tea Latte.\r\nNote Mia Black Tea is special blend of black tea infused from both Kenya Black Tea and Honey Black Tea.\r\n*Strong Tea Taste*
Iron Goddess Latte 鐡觀音拿鐵
Da Hong Pao Latte 大紅袍拿鐵
Four Season Oolong Latte 四季烏龍拿鐵
Oat Milk Oolong Latte 烏龍燕麥拿鐵
Four Seasons Oolong tea infused with Oat Milk.\r\nComes with Oats.
Brown Sugar Boba Latte 黑糖珍珠拿鐵
Comes with Boba.\r\nCan only be made full sweet, half sweet, or no sweet.\r\nCaffeine-free
Milk Tea 醇韻奶香
Boba Milk Tea 蜜亞珍奶
Recommended, Truewin signature Mia Boba Milk Tea \r\nNote Mia Black Tea is special blend of black tea infused from both Kenya Black Tea and Honey Black Tea.\r\n *Strong Tea Taste*
Lucky Jasmine Milk Tea 好韻奶綠
Iron Goddess Milk Tea 鐵觀音奶茶
Da Hong Pao Milk Tea 大紅袍奶茶
Savory Cream 蓋世好韻
Creme Grape Green Tea 奶蓋Q葡萄
Comes with Crystal Boba and topped with our savory cream.
Cream Peach Green Tea 奶蓋桃花韻
Topped with our savory cream.
Cream Strawberry Green Tea 奶蓋美莓韻
Topped with our savory cream.
Cream Lucky Jasmine 奶蓋茉莉綠
Cream Da Hong Pao 奶蓋大紅袍
Fresh Tea 在地好韻
Da Hong Pao 岩韻大紅袍
Four Seasons Oolong 四季春烏龍
Iron Goddess 好韻鐡觀音
Lucky Jasmine 初韻茉莉綠
Matcha 抹茶
Matcha Trifecta 三倍厚抹
Ceremonial grade matcha drink for matcha lovers.\nComes with Matcha Pudding, Matcha Creme, and Matcha.\nOnly less ice option available for matcha drinks.
Strawberry Matcha Latte 厚抹莓莓
Ceremonial grade matcha perfectly paired with fresh strawberry, topped with matcha creme.\nOnly less ice option available for matcha drinks.
Mango Matcha Latte 厚抹芒芒
Ceremonial grade matcha perfectly paired with fresh mango, topped with matcha creme.\nOnly less ice option available for matcha drinks.
Matcha Cream Lucky Jasmine 厚抹茉莉綠
Signature Truewin Jasmine Floral Tea topped with Matcha Cream