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Tianluo Bistro is an authentic Asian restaurant in Wichita Kansas since October 18th, 2021. We feature Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine. Sichuan cuisine is famous for "Ma La". "Ma" means tongue numbing taste and "La" means spicy taste. The tongue numbing taste "Ma" is caused by Chinese Sichuan pepper corns which were shipped from New York City. No "Ma" No "La", no taste! Our chef Jack Yang has been issued the First Degree Cooking Certificate by Chinese Cooking Committee. Chef Jack has worked in Chinese restaurants in New York City for 20 years. Our customers said, "Jack is such an extraordinary chef that he can cook the flavors that nobody are able to cook!" 田螺姑娘餐厅是正宗川菜馆!家乡的味道!无辣不欢!特邀中国一级厨师杨师傅主厨。欢迎朋友们前来品尝杨师傅精心烹制的川菜菜品味道!麻酥酥!辣滋滋!