(饾悜饾悇饾悞饾悇饾悜饾悤饾悇 饾悩饾悗饾悢饾悜 饾悡饾悁饾悂饾悑饾悇 饾悗饾悕 饾悗饾悢饾悜 饾悥饾悇饾悂饾悞饾悎饾悡饾悇) Bringing back to Harlem a place where history was made, and still is. A steakhouse and a Jazz Club which together will give you and your party an experience they will never, ever, forget. On one side you have The Cecil Steakhouse where world renowned DJs will delight you with music to make your celebration unforgettable. Next door you will find Minton's Playhouse, the oldest Jazz Club in the United States where all the Jazz Legends came to play since 1938 and now world class musicians perform 7 nights a week.
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