DRINK COFFEE, SUPPORT THE ARTS!! Located inside Grace Worship Arts, we are a community coffee shop, open for special events, with handcrafted beverages made to order: Brewed & Iced Coffees Espresso & Lattés, Hot Chocolatté Chai: hot or frozen Frappés Herbal, Green & Black Teas Bubble Tea (healthier version!) We feature Evengstar Coffee, locally roasted in Avon, NY. We also carry a variety of flavors to brew at home! ☕ $12/lb to support our Summer Programs! Wholesome snacks, bagels, yogurt, Pür aspartame-free gum Locally made: maple syrup 🍁 wholesome and gluten-free baked goods, soup mixes and baking mixes 🍓🫒 Grace Dancewear has affordable: ballet, tap & jazz shoes tights, leotards & skirts