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...It was on June 2003 when we found this place. This was Macris dream coming to reality, it took us about 45 days to put this nice place back to work, it was a family and friend effort. We are from Ensenada Baja California a very nice place to be, more like Alameda, temperature always on the 70 to 80 degrees, ocean next to us... Beatiful!!! Ensenada specialty is Fish Tacos, same here “but better”, also the ceviche make with shrimps “alway tasty specially with a cold beer”. Meat for carne asada alway been and always will “arrachera/flap meat” (this is one of the most expensive meat for carne asada, but we dont care as long as our clients enjoy it). Tamales are also really good, made everyday same as the chile rellenos