Welcome to Authentic Northeast specialties, take you into China on the tip of your tongue, Northeast specialties & brings you a fantastic feast of authentic Northeast cooking. Unique hand-picked seafood, hemp, spicy, fresh, and fragrant. Wake up your taste buds and make you want to stop! Snow, shochu, hot steamed buns. A bowl of steaming Northeastern pork killer dishes, thick nostalgia, thick muddy wine glasses, what you eat is gourmet, and nostalgia is retained! 享誉中国东北美食一条街的中街大串落户曼哈顿,神秘大厨带着出神入化的纯正东北厨艺为您献上一场饕餮盛宴。 独具特色的手抓海鲜,麻,辣,鲜,香。唤醒您的味蕾,让您欲罢不能!撸的过瘾,撸的开心,撸出豪情,撸出侠义。莫过于中街大串!撸上一串,秒变英雄好汉!飘雪,烧酒,热炕头。一碗热气腾腾的东北杀猪菜,浓浓的思乡情,浓浓的浊酒杯,吃下的是美食,留住的是乡情! 地道的东北特色菜,带您走进舌尖上的中国,东北特色~~~欢迎您