1254 calories\nSide dishes: Fat beef, seafood mushrooms, cauliflower, potato chips, hot pot fish plate, Korean rice cake, cheese rice cake, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, egg dumplings, purple potato balls, instant noodles, onion slices, kimchi, cheese\n***Seasonal changes, some dishes may be changed. After finishing a pot, if there are any single choices to add, go to ADD ON and add them.\n1254卡路里\n配菜:肥牛 海鲜蘑 菜花 土豆片 火锅鱼板 韩式年糕 芝士年糕 金针菇 香菇 蛋饺 牛肉丸 方便面 洋葱片 韩国泡菜 芝士 \n***季节变动,部分菜品可能有调动。吃完一锅,如有有单选要加菜的话去ADD ON 里面加