蟹宝是一家以大闸蟹的蟹黄酱为主要原料的特色淮扬菜,主要菜品是蟹黄盖饭,蟹黄捞面,蟹黄黄鱼泡饭,蟹黄小笼,蟹黄鲜肉月饼,蟹黄狮子头等,蟹宝的鱼汤面也是一大特色,代表是鱼汤黄鱼面。 Xie Bao is a transitional Chinese restaurant, its specialties are base on crab meat and crab roe, it's part of Huai Yang cuisine, which is the number one cuisine in China. Most Chinese food in the US is Americanized. Huai Yang cuisine on the other hand is very traditional and Xie Bao is very proud of its traditional style food, gives everyone the real taste of Chinese cuisine.