Win Kee located at Southwest Las Vegas proudly serve our community here. This modern-style HK BBQ and Noodle diner delivers traditional cuisine in a fun contemporary settings. Win Kee boasts some of the best “Char Siu” in town, an amazing melt-in-your-mouth and tender meat with perfectly charred sides and a delightful honey glaze. Soy Sauce Chicken with their own signature recipe sauce. Roasted Duck has a crisp flavorful skin topping some seriously succulent meat. This young team moves Hong Kong Chinese Cuisine to the next level ! 榮記港式燒味是由一群年輕人思念家的味道而努力創辨的小店。師傅每天一早上預備當天新鮮出爐燒鴨,豉油雞,叉燒。榮記也馳名港式雲吞麵, 可以隨意加入麻辣牛肚或古法牛腩。菜單雖簡單,但每一道菜也是用心製作。