Song birds will be so delighted with all of the extraordinary wildflowers this collection offers, they will be sure to sing their praise of gratitude while banqueting in your backyard. Includes: 17 seed varieties, growing directions.
Flowers. (1) Partridge Pea, (2) California Poppy, (3) Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, (4) Pacific Beauty Calendula, (5) Sulphur Cosmos, (6) Purple Coneflower, (7) Blue Flax, (8) Gayfeather, (9) Annual Phlox, (10) Shasta Daisy, (11) Purple Prairie Clover, (12) Sweet William Pinks, (13) Pumila Mix Zinnia, (14) Prairie Coneflower, (15) Plains Coreopsis, (16) Black-Eyed Susan,(17) New England Aster.
zones. 3–9 | seed. 20 g | coverage. 125 sq. ft.