3 scoops of Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream with original potato chips, chocolate syrup, nuts, whipped cream, and cherries.
Caramel River
2 scoops Midnight Caramel River ice cream, 1 scoop Chocolate Extreme ice cream with chocolate syrup, caramel, rolls, nuts, whipped cream, and cherries.
Mint Madness
3 scoops of Mint Chip Ice Cream with Hot Fudge, Oreo Pieces, Chocolate Sprinkles, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.
3 scoops of Honey Roasted Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Strawberry Sauce, Peanut Butter Sauce, Nutter Butter Cookies, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.
Funday Sundae
2 scoops of Superman ice cream, 1 scoop of Blue Moon ice cream, with marshmallow sauce, pineapple sauce, rainbow sprinkles, nuts, whipped cream, and cherries.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry
2 scoops of Strawberry Ice Cream, 1 scoop of Chocolate Ice Cream with Chocolate Syrup, Strawberry Sauce, Chocolate Sprinkles, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.
Ooey Gooey
3 scoops of Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream with Hot Fudge, Marshmallow Sauce, Peanut Butter Sauce, Chocolate Chips, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.
Raspberry Eruption
2 scoops of Roadrunner Raspberry ice cream, 1 scoop of Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffle ice cream with chocolate syrup, chocolate chips, 1 raspberry square, nuts, whipped cream, and, cherries.
Coconut Craze
3 scoops of Chocolate Coconut Almond Ice Cream with Toasted Coconut, Chocolate Sprinkles, Hershey's Chocolate Bar, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.
Peanut Butter Paradise
2 scoops of Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream, 1 scoop of Honey Roasted Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Chocolate Syrup, Peanut Butter Sauce, Reese's Cup Pieces, whole Reese's Cups, Nutter Butter Cookies, Nuts, and Whipped Cream.
Death By Chocolate
3 scoops of Chocolate Extreme Ice cream with chocolate syrup, chocolate chips, nuts, whipped cream, and cherries.
Brownie Blast
2 scoops of Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream, 1 scoops of Better Brownie Batter with brownie bites, chocolate syrup, nut, whipped cream, and cherries.
Ultimate Cookie
1 scoop of Cookies and Cream Ice Cream, 1 scoop of Oatmeal Cookie Craving Ice Cream, 1 scoop of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream with Oreo Pieces, Cookie Dough Bites, 1 whole chocolate chip cookie, nuts, whipped cream, and cherries.
Cherry Mania
2 scoops of White House Cherry Ice Cream, 1 scoop of Old Fashioned Vanilla with Chocolate Syrup, Cherry Sauce, Chocolate Sprinkles, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.
Oatmeal Cookie
3 scoops of Oatmeal Cookie craving Ice Cream with Caramel, Hot fudge, a Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and 3 cherries
Moosey Mess
3 scoops of Moose Tracks Ice Cream, Peanut Butter Sauce, Hot Fudge, Crushed Waffle Cone, Chocolate Chips, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.
Cappuccino Dream
3 scoops of Cappuccino Crunch Ice Cream with Chocolate Syrup, Marshmallow Sauce, Chocolate Sprinkles, Nuts, Whipped Cream, and Cherries.