I'm T.J. Chelak Jr, owner of T.J.'s Dawg House, bringing the Taste of Chicago all the way from The Maple Tree Place Plaza in Williston Vermont since 2007 to Richardson Texas!! I'm serving up Chicago’s Vienna Beef "Gourmet Magazines Best Tasting Hot Dog in the Whole United States" (August 2006 issue!!) Sold only in Chicago grocery stores at $6.99lb. It's the Taste of Chicago that knows no bounds...118 years later, Vienna Beef is still making Hot Dogs the old-fashioned way, with Premium Domestic Beef and then Hickory-Smoked for authentic flavor. Call me for location (802)777-1541 usually at Lowe’s from 11am until 2pm (501 S Plano Rd) & Four Bullets Brewery from 3-5pm 640 N Interurban St