The Kings Head

(753 Reviews)
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Ratings of The Kings Head

(753 Reviews)

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Location & Hours

Sophisticated inn offering polished rooms & apartments, plus a cozy pub serving locavore fare.

Harts Ln
Norwich, NR9 3LS

Recent Reviews

Apr 2024
Delicious food and first class service
Apr 2024
Ein Pub mit Ambiente. Relativ groß aber verwinkelte was der Gemütlichkeit keinen Abbruch tat. Wir waren mit einer Gruppe dort und haben vorher reserviert, sollte man unbedingt machen. Der Pub ist sehr beliebt und so auch um die Mittagszeit ruckzuck voll. Der Service ist manchmal etwas überfordert und es dauert länger. Das Essen war schnell und fast alles gleichzeitig da. Portionen sind sehr gut und nicht nur Häppchen. Qualität des Essens absolut in Ordnung. Preislich ist man bei den Mahlzeiten im Schnitt bei umgerechnet 25€ also noch angemessen. Lohnt sich, es können sich ja nicht so viele Gäste vertun. Parkplatz hinter dem Haus, relativ groß aber auch schnell voll. Lage etwas Anfahrt durch die schöne Landschaft muss man in Kauf nehmen. Also hin zur einer guten Fisch and Chips Mahlzeit.
Apr 2024
Love this pub, been many times in last 4 yrs and never fail to deliver ,food is amazing at a good price ,very well presented and good size meals . Staff are extremely friendly and accomdating
Apr 2024
Fantastic country pub, with atmosphere, service and quality of food all outstanding. An absolute must-visit if you're in the area.
Apr 2024
Two features stick in my mind. Food Service Both were exemplary- I talk about the food below, but the staff at The Kings Head, really deserve congratulations- always smiling, always welcoming and helpful, and often amusing. It was a delight staying there. Rooms: All the rooms vary, I know because I had a peek at them. Mine was probably designated as a single, though it could have easily coped with a couple. The bed was very comfortable- and the bathroom quaint. Food & drinks: Two of the hors d’ouvres were beyond spectacular- the tofu from the distance limited menu and the pork belly from the other. The tofu was so brilliant I ate it the next day as well.
Mar 2024
Excellent food and fabulous service
Mar 2024
The food was excellent. Really friendly staff who served us. I had the Ham Hock Terrine to start, which was filling in itself. Then the Pan Fried Chicken Supreme. It was amazing. It came with a mushroom sauce, and I am not a fan of mushrooms at all, but took a chance and so pleased I did. So sooo delicious. All on the 48.5 menu meaning all ingredients are from within 48.5 miles of the pub, which was a really nice bonus for such lovely food. Finished with a chocolate dessert with a honeycomb which I managed to launch across the room. The waitress noticed and made a joke which just added to the enjoyment of the evening. Will definitely visit again..... And guess what, I did visit again. I have added the pics of the latest food which was exceptional good.. again.

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What is The Kings Head's rating?
The Kings Head is rated an average of 4.6/5 stars across various online platforms.