The 3 day juice lady cleanse is a delicious, all natural, satisfying juice cleanse that helps you work toward ensuring that your entire body is functioning at an optimal level: your circulatory system, immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, organs, vessels, and more. Circulation: beet, organic carrot & ginger, apple, lemon. Energy: cucumber, kale, apple, pineapple, lemon. Renew: celery, apple, lemon, organic turmeric. Boost: celery, cucumber, apple, organic ginger, lemon. Glow: organic carrot, pineapple, apple, lemon, organic ginger. Detox: spring water, organic activated charcoal, organic agave. Plan: six juices per day for three days. Our juice feast are a natural euphoria to replace toxic substances! Benefits: release weight , release waste, clear your skin with that natural glow you’ve been craving, reduced sugar cravings, clarity, stronger, immune system. Reset your palate to desire real flavors and real food saying goodbye to artificial flavors, colors, preservatives & gmo's.