If you are as excited about American Single Pot Still whiskey as we are, you're going to love The Triskelion Society membership. Secure exclusive first rights on new bottles, limited releases, special events and cocktail lounge specials.
Membership includes:
-Exclusive pre-order access to all releases
-St. Patrick's Day / Anniversary party VIP hour access
-Quarterly free educational classes
-Bottling party opportunities
-Annual members only party
-10% off all bottles
-15% off cocktails
- 20% off cocktails, weekly on Sunday Members Day
- 20% off bottles for Small Business Saturday
Valid 12 months (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024)
$200 / per person or $300 for a household membership
~$400-$1200 Value
Limited to a very special 100 members