Super Smoothie Menu

10419 NW 41st St, Doral, FL 33178
  • Alimentos de Desayuno / Breakfast Foods

    • Wrap De Desayuno / Breakfast Wrap

      Pavo, claras de huevo y queso cheddar en tortilla integral. / Turkey, egg whites, and cheddar cheese in whole wheat tortilla.
    • Waffle Proteico De Trigo Integral / Whole Wheat Protein Waffle

      Un waffle proteico integral con rodajas de plátano y sirope. / One whole wheat protein waffle with sliced bananas and syrup.
    • Panqueques Proteínicos De Trigo Integral / Whole Wheat Protein Pancakes

      Con rodajas de plátano. Se pueden añadir arándanos o chispas de chocolate con un coste adicional. / With sliced bananas. You can add blueberries or chocolate chip at extra cost.
    • Caja De Harina De Avena Rica En Proteínas / High Protein Oatmeal Box

      Tazón de 8 oz de avena cocida en agua con mantequilla de cacahuete y 20 gr de proteína de suero, servir con rodajas de plátano. / 8 oz bowl of oatmeal cooked in water with peanut butter and 20 gr of whey protein, served with sliced bananas.
    • Desayuno Súper Saludable / Super Healthy Breakfast

      Revuelto de tres claras de huevo con loncha de pavo y queso cheddar, servido con pan de pita multicereales tostado. / Three egg whites scramble with slice turkey & cheddar cheese, served with toasted multigrain pita bread.
    • Sándwich De Clara De Huevo Y Pavo / Egg White And Turkey Flatbread Sandwich

      Pan de pita multicereales con clara de huevo, pavo y queso cheddar. / Multi grain pita bread with egg white, turkey, and cheddar cheese.
  • Wraps

    • Empanada De Pollo / Chicken Empanada

      Deliciosa empanada rellena de ensalada de pollo. / Delicious empanada filled with chicken salad.
    • Súper Wrap 7 - Pollo Tocino Y Queso / Super Wrap 7 - Chicken Bacon And Cheese

      Pollo, tocino, queso y aderezo ranchero. / Chicken, bacon, cheese and ranch dressing.
    • Súper Wrap 6 - Clara De Huevo, Pavo Y Queso / Super Wrap 6 - Egg White Turkey & Cheese

      Pavo, clara de huevo y queso. / Turkey, egg white and cheese.
    • Súper Wrap 5 - Pollo Con Miel Y Mostaza / Super Wrap 5 - Chicken Honey Mustard

      Pechuga de pollo a la plancha, lechuga, queso cheddar y aliño de mostaza y miel. / Grilled chicken breast, lettuce, cheddar cheese and honey mustard dressing.
    • Súper Wrap 2 - Ensalada De Atún / Super Wrap 2 - Tuna Salad

      Delicioso envuelto de ensalada de atún con lechuga, cebolla y pimientos. / Delicious tuna salad wrap with lettuce, onions and banana peppers.
    • Carne Extra / Extra Meat

      Añade 4 oz de carne extra a tu wrap. / Add 4 oz of extra meat to your wrap.
    • Súper Wrap 3 - Ensalada César Con Pollo / Super Wrap 3 - Chicken Caesar Salad

      Wrap de ensalada César con pollo, lechuga romana, queso parmesano y aderezo César. / Chicken Caesar salad wrap, romaine lettuce, Parmesan cheese and Caesar dressing.
    • Súper Wrap 9 - Pollo Al Cilantro Y Queso / Super Wrap 9 - Chicken Cilantro And Cheese

      Deliciosa pechuga de pollo a la parrilla, lechuga y queso con nuestra salsa casera de cilantro. / Delicious grilled chicken breast, lettuce and cheese with our homemade cilantro sauce.
    • Super Wrap 8

      Pollo chipotle a la parrilla. / Grilled chicken chipotle.
    • Súper Wrap 1 - Pavo Y Queso / Super Wrap 1 - Turkey And Cheese

      Queso provolone, pavo, lechuga y aderezo ranchero de la casa. / Turkey, provolone cheese, lettuce and house ranch dressing.
    • Súper Wrap 10 / Super Wrap 10

      Pechuga de pollo a la plancha, lechuga, queso cheddar y salsa BBQ. / Grilled chicken breast, lettuce, cheddar cheese and BBQ sauce.
    • Pizza Personal De Queso / Personal Cheese Pizza

      Pizza de queso cheddar y mozzarella multicereales de 8 pulgadas. / 8 inches multi grain mozzarella & cheddar cheese pizza.
    • Súper Wrap 4 - Vegetariano / Super Wrap 4 - Vegetarian

      Hamburguesa boca vegetariana con lechuga, cebolla y queso. / Vegetarian boca burger with lettuce, onions and cheese.
  • Combo

    • Wrap Y Batido / Wrap And Smoothie

      Un súper wrap y un batido de 20 oz. / One super wrap and one 20 oz smoothie.
    • Wrap Y Jugo / Wrap And Juice

      Un super wrap y un jugo natural de 20 oz. / One super wrap and one 20 oz. natural juice.
  • Jugos Frescos / Juices Made Fresh

    • Súper Desintoxicante / Super Detox

      Col rizada, pepino, apio, piña y jengibre. / Kale, cucumber, celery, pineapple and ginger.
    • Jugo De Naranja / Orange Juice

      Freshly squeezed, served in 16 Oz or 32 Oz.
    • Col Rizada, Piña Y Pepino / Kale, Pineapple & Cucumber

      Kale, pineapple, and cucumber blend. Available in 16 oz or 32 oz.
    • Naranja, Zanahorias Y Remolachas / Orange, Carrots & Beets

      Orange, carrots, and beets. Choose 16 oz or 32 oz.
    • Zanahoria Y Jugo De Naranja / Carrots & Orange Juice

      Carrots and orange juice blend. Available in 16 oz or 32 oz sizes.
    • Col Rizada, Apio Y Naranja / Kale, Celery & Orange

      Kale, celery, and orange juice. Available in 16 oz or 32 oz.
    • Manzana, Naranja Y Kiwi / Apple, Orange & Kiwi

      Apple, orange, and kiwi juice. Size options: 16 Oz or 32 Oz.
    • Manzana, Pepino Y Kiwi / Apple, Cucumber & Kiwi

      Apple, cucumber, and kiwi blend. Choice of 16 oz or 32 oz.
    • Zanahorias, Manzana Y Jengibre / Carrots, Apple & Ginger

      Carrots, apple, and ginger juice. Choice of 16 oz or 32 oz.
  • Shots de Energía / Energy Shots

    • Jengibre / Ginger

      Fresh ginger typically combined with lemon and a hint of apple.
    • Hierba De Trigo / Wheatgrass

      Freshly pressed wheatgrass juice, known for its concentrated nutrients and detoxifying properties.
  • Batidos para Aumentar la Masa Muscular / Muscle Builder Smoothies

    • Poder De Cappuccino Pequeño Alto En Proteínas De 16 Oz (6) / Small 16 Oz High Protein Cappuccino Power (6)

      23 gr de proteína de suero moca, un chorro de café espresso, leche descremada. / 23 gr whey mocha protein, shot of espresso coffee, skim milk.
    • Chocopower Pequeño De 16 Oz (1) / Small 16 Oz Chocopower (1)

      23 gr de proteína de suero de chocolate, plátano, mantequilla de cacahuete, leche descremada. / 23 gr whey protein chocolate, banana, peanut butter, skim milk.
    • Poder De Fresa Pequeño De 16 Oz (2) / Small 16 Oz Strawberry Power (2)

      23 gr de proteína de suero de fresa, plátano, leche descremada, fresas. / 23 gr strawberry whey protein, banana, skim milk, strawberries.
    • Poder De Piña Colada Pequeña De 16 Oz (4) / Small 16 Oz Piña Colada Power (4)

      23 gr de proteína de suero de leche de vainilla, leche de coco, jugo de coco, jugo de piña, leche descremada. / 23 gr whey vanilla protein, coconut milk, coconut juice, pineapple juice, skim milk.
    • Poder De Proteína Tropical Pequeño De 16 Oz (5) / Small 16 Oz Tropical Protein Power (5)

      23 gr de proteína de suero de vainilla, mango, jugo de piña, jugo de naranja. / 23 gr whey vanilla protein, mango, pineapple juice, orange juice.
    • Poder Go Vainilla Pequeño De 16 Oz (3) / Small 16 Oz Go Vanilla Power (3)

      23 gr de proteína de suero de vainilla, plátano, harina de avena, mantequilla de cacahuete, leche descremada. / 23 gr vanilla whey protein, banana, oatmeal, peanut butter, skim milk.
    • Cappuchino De Poder Alto Grande De 32 Oz (6) / Large 32 Oz High Cappuchino Power (6)

      Coffee, banana, cocoa, chocolate protein powder, and almond milk.
    • Chocopower Grande De 32 Oz (1) / Large 32 Oz Chocopower (1)

      Banana, cacao, agave, and peanut butter blended into a large 32 oz smoothie designed to support muscle building.
    • Poder De Fresa Grande De 32oz (2) / Large 32 Oz Strawberry Power (2)

      Strawberries, banana, almond milk, and protein powder blended to create a muscle-building smoothie.
    • Poder De Piña Colada Grande De 32 Oz (4) / Large 32 Oz Piña Colada Power (4)

      Pineapple, banana, coconut milk, and vanilla protein blended into a large 32 oz smoothie.
    • Poder Go Vainilla Grande De 32 Oz (3) / Large 32 Oz Go Vanilla Power (3)

      Vanilla protein powder, banana, and almond milk, blended into a large 32 oz smoothie.
    • Trigo Y Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (7) / Small 16 Oz Wheat And Power (7)

      23 gr de proteína de suero de leche de vainilla, trigo inflado, plátano, mantequilla de cacahuete, leche descremada. / 23 gr whey vanilla protein, puff wheat, banana, peanut butter, skim milk.
    • Poder De Proteína Tropical Grande De 32 Oz (5) / Large 32 Oz Tropical Protein Power (5)

      Mango, pineapple, banana, vanilla protein powder, and orange juice blended into a large 32 oz tropical protein smoothie.
    • Trigo Y Poder Grande De 32 Oz (7) / Large 32 Oz Wheat And Power (7)

      Wheat, banana, oats, protein powder, and almond milk blended into a muscle-building smoothie.
  • Batidos Waker Upper / Waker Upper Smoothies

    • The Power Starter Grande De 32 Oz (9) / Large 32 Oz The Power Starter (9)

      Banana, oats, whey protein, chocolate, and low-fat yogurt blended into a 32 oz smoothie for a powerful start to your day.
    • Poder De Capuchino Helado Pequeño De 16 Oz (10) / Small 16 Oz Ice Cappuccino Power (10)

      Chupito de café expreso, proteína de moca, leche descremada. / Espresso coffee shot, mocha protein, skim milk.
    • Poder De Capuchino Helado Grande De 32 Oz (10) / Large 32 Oz Ice Capuchino Power (10)

      Coffee, typically includes milk and sweeteners, blended with ice for a refreshing smoothie.
    • The Power Starter Pequeño De 16 Oz (9) / Small 16 Oz The Power Starter (9)

      Fresas, maracuyá, jugo de piña, energizante. / Strawberries, passion fruit, pineapple juice, energy boost.
    • The Powergirzer Grande De 32 Oz (13) / Large 32 Oz The Powergirzer (13)

      Banana, oats, whey protein, chocolate, and low-fat yogurt blended into a large 32 oz smoothie for a nutritious boost.
    • Súper Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (15) / Small 16 Oz Super Power (15)

      Piña, fresas, kiwi, miel. / Pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, honey.
    • Powergizer Pequeño De 16 Oz (13) / Small 16 Oz Powergizer (13)

      Fresas, plátano, leche descremada, miel. / Strawberries, banana, skim milk, honey.
    • Poder Tropical Pequeño De 16 Oz / Small 16 Oz Tropical Power

      Kiwi, mango, papaya y miel. / Kiwi, mango, papaya and honey.
    • Poder De Manzana Y Canela Grande De 32 Oz (14) / Large 32 Oz Apple And Cinnamon Power (14)

      Typically includes apple, cinnamon, and a blend of other fruits for a refreshing and flavorful drink.
    • Poder De Baya Pequeño De 16 Oz (8) / Small 16 Oz Berry Power (8)

      Açaí, arándanos, jugo de arándanos, fresas. / Açaí, blueberry, cranberry juice, strawberries.
    • Poder De Baya Grande De 32 Oz (8) / Large 32 Oz Berry Power (8)

      Mixed berries, banana, and low-fat yogurt blended into a large 32 oz smoothie.
    • Súper Poder Grande De 32 Oz (15) / Large 32 Oz Super Power (15)

      Banana, oats, whey protein, chocolate, and low-fat yogurt blended into a large 32 oz smoothie for a nutritious boost.
    • Ponche De Frutas De Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (21) / Small 16 Oz The Fruit Power Punch (21)

      Fresas, plátano, jugo de naranja, miel. / Strawberries, banana, orange juice, honey.
    • Poder Pa-Pi-Na Pequeño De 16 Oz (11) / Small 16 Oz Pa-Pi-Na Power (11)

      Papaya, jugo de piña, plátano, energizante. / Papaya, pineapple juice, banana, energy boost.
    • Poder De Manzana Y Canela Pequeño De 16 Oz (14) / Small 16 Oz Apple And Cinnamon Power (14)

      Jugo de manzana, plátano, miel, canela, energizante. / Apple juice, banana, honey, cinnamon, energy boost.
    • Poder De Papina Grande De 32 Oz (11) / Large 32 Oz Papina Power (11)

      Papaya, banana, spinach, chia seeds, and coconut water blended into a large 32 oz smoothie.
    • Ponche De Frutas De Poder Grande De 32 Oz (21) / Large 32 Oz The Fruit Power Punch (21)

      Banana, oats, whey protein, chocolate, and low-fat yogurt blend for a nutrient-packed smoothie.
  • Batidos Clásicos Power / Power Classic Smoothies

    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Plátano, Fresa, Arándanos) / 25. Small 16 Oz Power (Banana, Strawberry, Blueberries)

      Plátano, fresas, arándanos, leche descremada. / Banana, strawberries, blueberries, nonfat milk.
    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Maracuyá, Mango, Piña) / 23. Small 16 Oz Power (Passion Fruit, Mango, Pineapple)

      Maracuyá, mango y jugo de piña. / Passion fruit, mango, pineapple juice.
    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Plátano, Mango, Piña) / 19. Small 16 Oz Power (Banana, Mango, Pineapple)

      Plátano, mango, rodajas de piña. / Banana, mango, sliced pineapple.
    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Jugo De Fresa, Plátano Y Naranja) / 21. Small 16 Oz Power (Strawberry, Banana, Orange Juice)

      Plátano, fresas, jugo de naranja. / Banana, strawberries, orange juice.
    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Papaya, Fresa, Mango) / 24. Small 16 Oz Power (Papaya, Strawberry, Mango)

      Papaya, fresas, mango. / Papaya, strawberries, mango.
    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Jugo De Fresa, Kiwi Y Naranja) / 16. Small 16 Oz Power (Strawberry, Kiwi, Orange Juice)

      Kiwi, fresas, jugo de naranja. / Kiwi, strawberries, orange juice.
    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Melocotón, Mango, Papaya) / 17. Small 16 Oz Power (Peach, Mango, Papaya)

      Rodajas de melocotón, mango, papaya. / Peach sliced, mango, papaya.
    • Poder Pequeño De 16 Oz (Piña, Crema De Coco) / 22. Small 16 Oz Power (Pineapple, Coconut Cream)

      Jugo de piña, crema de coco, leche descremada. / Pineapple juice, coconut cream, skim milk.
  • Batidos Power Indulge / Power Indulge Smoothies

    • Poder Sweety (12) / Power Sweety (12)

      Plátano, helado de vainilla, mantequilla de cacahuete, leche descremada. / Banana, vanilla ice cream, peanut butter, skim milk.
    • Súper Bueno (20) / Super Good (20)

      Plátano, coco, jugo de piña y leche descremada. / Banana, coconut, pineapple juice, and nonfat milk.
    • Podér De Choco (18) / Power Choco (18)

      Plátano, dulce de chocolate, almendras, mantequilla de cacahuete y ice cream de vainilla. / Banana, chocolate fudge, almonds, peanut butter and vanilla ice cream.
  • Tazones Poke / Poke Bowls

    • Tazón Cubano De Pollo / Cuban Chicken Bowl

      Arroz, pechuga de pollo a la plancha, plátano macho, frijoles negros, aderezo de cilantro. / Rice, grilled chicken breast, plantain, black beans, cilantro dressing.

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