"The history of chai dates back several centuries to India. Originally, chai was used as an herbal remedy in traditional Hindu medicine, Ayurveda. At that time, the beverage consisted solely of milk, herbs, and spices. In the 1830s, as an alternative to the Chinese tea monopoly, British colonists introduced tea to India, and this is when tea was added to the recipe. Today, it is the traditional and national beverage of India—a sweet and spicy milk tea consumed by millions daily. It's often more accurately called 'masala chai' because the Hindi term 'chai' simply means 'tea,' derived from the Chinese word 'cha.' The type of tea used in chai latte is 'masala chai,' which is a blend of spices. Common spices include cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper, though the spice mix can vary from region to region, household to household, and from one chai wallah (tea vendor) to the next."