Hi Roxana, Sorry this is late in coming, but thank you so much for the FABULOUS fire truck cake and cookies. They exceeded all my expectations, and more importantly, made my son, George, very, very happy (as you saw when he tried to pick it up when he laid eyes on it!) see attached pictures! His favorite part--the black wheels, which made his mouth and hands very black, which he thoroughly enjoyed, as you can see in the picture. The front part of the cake came home with us from the party, and he played with it for a couple days before we had to retire it. I think even more than the cake, he LOVED the fire engine cookies-he ate so many of them that I didn't have enough for his day care class-oh well, they were for him, anyway, so all the better. Thank you again, and I can't wait for George's next birthday, as well as my twin daughters! I can't wait to see what they want next time! Sincerely.