Rodizio Grill The Brazilian Steakhouse - Nashville Menu

166 2nd Ave N, Nashville, TN 37201
  • Beef

    • Maminha (Mah-Mee-Yah)

      This Tri-tip sirloin steak is unique to Rodizio Grill, the Brazilian Steakhouse. This steak is a moderate marbled-to-lean cut, which makes it a very flavorful steak- The Founder's favorite! This cut is best if consumed medium to medium rare.
    • Raquete (Ha-Ketche)

      Some beef critics say that this cut, Flat Iron Steak, is the second most tender cut after the filet mignon. This steak is deep and rich in flavor, and we are proud to be the only Brazilian Steakhouse offering this delicious cut of meat. Our Rodizio Gauchos lightly season prior to grilling, which brings out that rich flavor.
    • Picanha (Pea-Con-Yah)*

      This Top sirloin (Beef Top Sirloin Cap, Sirloin Cap, Sirloin Culotte) is our signature cut, specially trimmed and prepared to assure final product perfection. The origin of the name "Picanha" comes from a long pole used by "Gauchos" of Rio Grande do Sul to lead the cattle. This "stick" called picana (in Spanish) had a stinger at the tip served to poke the cattle on the lower back. Over time this region of the animal came to be called later picaha and later "Picanha" in Brazil. Picanha is the most popular cut in every household in Brazil! Picanha is lean, with a thin fat cap and mild in flavor; enjoy at any cooking temperature, based on your preference.
    • Bife Com Alho (Beef-E Com Al-Yo)

      Bife com Alho is a tender cut of beef basted with our traditional house garlic rub. Our Rodizio Gauchos baste the beef with a special garlic butter recipe that infuses garlic flavor into the beef. When you bite into Bife com Alho, you can taste a delicate, not overwhelming, garlic flavor. This meat will melt in your mouth, leaving you wanting more!
    • Fraldinha (Frall-Ding-Yah)

      Fraldinha is a butcher's best kept secret. This flavorful beef is not to be confused with flank or skirt steak. Fraldinha is a very tender cut and is packed with very pleasant flavor. Our meat Masters specially trim this cut to give our guest the best possible flavor. This cut is lightly seasoned prior to being grilled, to bring out the flavor infused in this great cut.
    • Miolo Da Paleta (Mee-Oh-Low Da Pa-Leta)

      This Beef Center Cut is unique to Rodizio Grill. It is tender, very lean and is mild in flavor. We season lightly, as it brings out the flavor of this meat. Our Rodizio Gauchos will ask you how you like your steak cooked; if you'd like our suggestion, try Miolo da Paleta medium to medium rare for remarkable flavor.
    • Assado (Ah-Saw-Dough)*

      Assado is a favorite in Brazil, and first came about from Brazil's rich Portuguese heritage. Assado "Carne de Panela" or Brazilian Style Braised Beef takes two days to prepare and over 6 hours of cooking time to reach perfection. Rodizio Grill Assado is baked with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, spices and a special balsamic-vinegar blend to reach the rich flavor found in this dish. It has a very "homey comfort food" characteristic. Its a Rodizio Grill must try.
    • Picanha Com Parmesao (Pea-Con-Yah Com Par-Me-San)*

      Picanha com Parmesão is a twist on a signature popular cut. This Top Sirloin cut is cubed and grilled with parmesan cheese. The already lean and mild flavor of Picanha is enhanced by the flavor of our parmesan cheese. Picanha com Parmesão is a Rodizio Grill Chef Special and is available during dinner time only. This item is not available at all locations at all times, it goes in and out of rotation as with all chef's special meats.
    • Alcatra (Al-CAT-Ra)*

      Alcatra is a whole sirloin that is seasoned to bring out its mild flavor. Alcatra is at its best in medium rare temperature, but can also be enjoyed at any cooking temperature. Alcatra is a Rodizio Grill Chef Special and is not available at all locations at all times. It goes in and out of rotation as with all chef's special meats. Be sure to check with your server to see if this Brazilian favorite is available at your favorite location at this time.
  • Poultry

    • Peru Com Bacon (Pay-Roo Com Bacon)

      Peru com Bacon, our famous Turkey Wrapped in Bacon, is a Rodizio Grill guest and staff favorite. Flavorful turkey breast is cubed and wrapped in honey cured bacon and grilled to perfection. Rodizio Grill is proud to be the original Brazilian Steakhouse offering this guest favorite. If you're new to Rodizio Grill, this is definitely a must try.
    • Frango Agri-Doce (Frango Awh-Gree Do-See)*

      Rodizio Grill puts a spin on the traditional churrasco with this crowd pleasing Sweet and Spicy Chicken. Frango Agri-Doce was created in the kitchens of Rodizio Grill to attend to guests requests for a flavorful chicken option. The chicken is basted in Rodizio Grill's unique home-made Gaucho sauce, then grilled to bring out the flavors. This grill item has a "kick" and is a favorite among the Rodizio Grill staff.
    • Sobre Coxa (So-Bree Co-Shah)*

      Sobre Coxa is Rodizio Grill's marinated chicken. Boneless chicken thigh, marinated overnight in our "Vinha d'alho", Rodizio Grill's signature garlic wine sauce, then grilled to perfection. Be sure to also try our crowd pleasing Frango Agro-Doce, our Sweet and Spicy Chicken.
    • Coracao De Frango Temperado (Cor-Uh-SEWN)*

      Coração de Frango Temperado is one of Brazil's favorite "Churrasco" appetizers. Chicken hearts were traditionaly found gracing in the first "Churrascarias" in southern Brazil. Chicken hearts, though different in texture, are very flavorful. Served with a wedge of lime to enhance flavor. Be sure to try this traditional "Churrasco" favorite.
  • Pork

    • Linguica (Ling-We-Sah)*

      Linguica a very mild and flavorful Brazilian sausage. With a special MSG free Rodizio Grill recipe, this sausage is great right off the grill or as part of our Feijoada, our traditional Brazilian Black Bean Stew found in our Hot Dishes section of our Gourmet Salad Bar.
    • Lombo Com Quiejo (Lome-Bow Con Kay-Zhou)*

      Lombo com Queijo is tender pork loin cubed and grilled with parmesan cheese and bacon! Our Lombo com quiejo has a robust flavor, is very tender and is served with a wedge of lime to enhance this great mixture of flavors.
    • Lombo (Lome-Bow)*

      Lombo is our Marinated Pork Loin. This cooking process enhances the sweet flavor of this tender cut of meat that when grilled correctly can give your taste buds an unforgettable experience.
    • Presunto (Pray-Zoon-Toe)

      Rodizio Grill's Presunto is one of our signature grilled items. A lean cut of ham that is trimmed and grilled flawlessly to perfection then basted in our signature raw sugar glaze. Presunto is best accompanied with a piece of our signature Grilled Glazed Pineapple, but it's also good by itself. As with all of the rotisserie items, be sure to let our Gauchos know if you want more, we're pretty sure you won't be able to just have one!
  • Lamb

    • Cordeiro (Cor-Day-Doh)

      This boneless leg of lamb is lightly seasoned and grilled to perfection to make it a tender and flavorful cut of meat. Be sure to try this cut with our home made Chimichurri sauce, available as a dressing at the salad bar. This grilled item is a Chef Special and is not available at all locations at all times. It goes in and out of rotation as with all chef's special meats. Be sure to check with your server to see if this Brazilian favorite is available at your favorite location at this time.
  • Fish / Seafood**

    • Fish / Seafood

      Our Fish and Seafood selection varies from market to market based on what is available and in season. Each Fish and Seafood selection is trimmed and marinated in a simple sauce that accentuates the flavor of this lean meat. From Mahi-Mahi, to our Tilapia with Passion Fruit Sauce, Rodizio Grill's Fish and Seafood selections is always a guest favorite. Ask your server for our daily fish selection.
  • Gourmet Salads

    • Arroz Branco

      Brazilian white rice.
    • Feijoada

      Traditional Brazilian black bean stew, eaten with rice & farofa. A Brazilian favorite.
    • Farofa

      Yucca flour, usually sprinkled on your rice and beans. A must try!
    • Couve

      Sauteed collard greens and bacon, a traditional side to Brazilian Feijoada.
    • Macarrão

      Delicious hot pasta dish.
    • Pure De Batata

      Creamy whipped potatoes.
    • Estrogonofe De Frango Ou Carne

      Chicken or beef strogonoff.
    • Daily Soup Special

    • Salada De Frutas

      Fruit Salad.
    • Salada De Queijo Fresco

      Fresh Mozzarella Salad.
    • Salada De Batata

      Creamy Potato Salad.
    • Salada Rodizio

      Rodizio B.L.T. Salad.
    • Salada Verde

      Green Salad.
    • Salada De Frango

      Yogurt Chicken Salad.
    • Salada De Morango

      Fresh Strawberry Salad.
    • Palmito

      Hearts of Palm.
    • Peru Temperado E Queijo

      Turkey Pastrami & Cheese.
    • Ovo De Codorna

      Marinated Quail Eggs.
    • Salada De Beteraba

      Pickled Beet Salad.
    • Salada De Cogumelo

      Mushroom Salad.
    • Salada Romana

      Caesar Salad.
  • Vegetables & Fruit

    • Abacaxí*

      (Ah-bakah-shee) Fresh glazed and grilled pineapple - a guest favorite!
    • Legumes Com Parmesão

      Grilled vegetables with Parmesan cheese.
    • Tomate Grelhado Com Parmesão*

      (Toe-mach-e Grel-yah-do Com Parm-eh-zahn) Grilled Tomatoes with Parmesan Cheese.
  • Appetizers

    • Banana Frita

      Banana poppers.
    • Polenta

      Brazilian corn meal - the Rodizio way.
    • Pão De Queijo

      Brazilian cheese bread made with yucca flour and cheese.
  • Desserts

    • Bolo Brigadeiro

      A three-layer chocolate cake laced in our signature Bolo Brigadeiro chocolate sauce.
    • Lime Pie & Passion Pie Mousse

      A light & zesty mousse, layered with your choice of lime or passion fruit pie cream. And yes, the cookie is gluten-free!
    • Pudim De Leite (Except Crispy)

      A delicious creamy Brazilian caramel flan.
    • Rabanada

      A warm cinnamon pastry with a creamy center, served with vanilla ice cream and laced with caramel sauce.
    • Brazilian Cremes

      A blend of ice cream with any of our tropical juice flavors, including Coconut, Mango, Passion Fruit, Strawberry, Banana, Raspberry, Guava or any combination.
    • Crème Brûlée

      A creamy and silky crème brûlée with a soft hint of orange.

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