Colombia Finca la Roca:\nThis micro lot is produced as a part of the ASOPEP association by Jorge Rojas on his farm, Finca la Roca State, who has become renowned for his award winning coffees and exceptional processing practices. ASOPEP has approximately 175 members–30% of which are 20-30 years old and 20% are women, both a rarity in the Colombia coffee industry. Formed over 10 years ago and led by Camilo Enciso Suarez, they offer coffee education and training programs for younger generations such as cupping, quality control, barista skills, business management, and experimental cultivation practices.\n\nThis Castillo varietal is harvested at 1300m, in Palandas, Tolima and naturally processed. After harvest, it is depulped and laid on raised beds to dry. In the cup it has an intense, juicy brightness that is reminiscent of grape lollipop candy. We adore this coffee! \nBREW IT UP!\nTry it on v60.