Red Rock Saloon

(130 Reviews)
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Ratings of Red Rock Saloon

(130 Reviews)

Happy Hours & Specials

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Location & Hours

1225 N Water St
Milwaukee, WI 53202
5:00 PM - 12:00 AM
5:00 PM - 12:00 AM
5:00 PM - 2:30 AM
12:00 PM - 2:30 AM
12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Recent Reviews

Mar 2024
The music was awful. It was the worst remixes possible, and all the songs were censored (which makes no sense). They had Papa Roach transition into Silentó. Also, one of the security staff was hitting on me, hugged me, and asked me to take his number.. It made me so uncomfortable. 0 stars if I could.
Mar 2024
Live music
Feb 2024
We were here with our daughter on her 21st birthday…we were watching our daughter and her boyfriend ride the mechanical bull. We witnessed a woman being assaulted by a man right in front of us by the dart machines… He was choking her and she was trying to get away from him and she then tried punching him and we immediately told the bartender and they called the security guard….the security team did not listen to us about what happened. Kicked us out as well as the girl and the guy who was assaulting her. Absolute failure by the security team. Not only did they kick the wrong people out but they then let the woman leave with the man who assaulted her. They should have called the police and pulled the security camera footage as I advised them to do. I wish I could give negative stars this place needs to fire all security and start over. The chubby black guy has to go… terrible security guard he is not properly trained and is completely useless as a security guard and a terrible human being also. How can he let a woman who was just assaulted leave with the man who assaulted her. What if there argument would have kept going after they left and he hurt her worse or even killed her! Red Rock Saloon should be ashamed of themselves. Lack of training and proper management is clearly a huge issue for this place!
Jan 2024
Me and a buddy were kicked out last night because we were in the stall together(him pissing and me talking to him). 2 bouncers we’re waiting outside the stall, one being a chubby black guy and the other a ginger with zero facial expression, and told us we needed to leave now or they would forcefully remove us. Wouldn’t even let us go get our friends or my wife and tell them that we were getting kicked out. It was pretty shocking to even hear them say that. I now know what it feels like to be a gay person in America. I would highly doubt 2 women would be kicked out for going into a stall together. The power tripping was at an all time high. Shame on that entire bouncer crew. Especially that ugly ginger, he really rubbed me the wrong way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Red Rock Saloon's rating?
Red Rock Saloon is rated an average of 4.1/5 stars across various online platforms.

(414) 431-0467

1225 N Water St, Milwaukee, WI 53202