Weight Loss & Memory Boost - Enhances weight loss while increasing brain function and memory. Also known for fighting cancer and lowering cholesterol. CALORIES - Pygmy 220, Chimp 278, Gorillia 342.
Aids digestion & Fights Cold - Strengthens bones while relieving pain from arthritis. Great for coughs and colds. Improves skin quality. CALORIES - Pygmy 263, Chimp 324, Gorilla 385.
Nana Berry - Strawberry Banana
Pre-Workout & Post-Workout - Gives quick energy while preventing muscle cramping during workout. Burns stored fat to excel weight loss. CALORIES - Pygmy 246, Chimp 309, Gorilla 354.
Lose Weight & Prevent Disease - Contains naturally occurring nutrients that help protect cells from damage to fight many diseases. Knows to decrease obesity and chances of liver disease. CALORIES - Pygmy 383, Chimp 446, Gorilla 508.
Apple Grip - Apple Banana Mango
Perfect Lunch or Meal - Make your daily fruit quota faster with this perfect meal. Also helps you feel full with less calories. CALORIES - Pygmy 287, Chimp 321, Gorilla 350.
Berry Power - Blueberry Raspberry Strawberry
Lose Weight & Prevent Disease -Contains naturally occurring nutrients that help protect cells from damage to fight many diseases. Knows to decrease obesity and chances of liver disease. CALORIES - Pygmy 300, Chimp 367, Gorilla 431.
Morning Sunrise - Banana Orange Raspberry
Healthy Breakfast or Meal - Provides energy while assisting with weight loss and creating alertness. CALORIES - Pygmy 263, Chimp 314, Gorilla 360. Add Cinnamon for taste upon request.