American Cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, mayo and pickles. Game over...
Donkey Kong Burger And Fries
Cheddar, Peanut butter, bacon, honey and spicy fried bananas. Fit for a King...
Sunset Rider Burger And Fries
American cheese, whiskey BBQ sauce, onion rings, lettuce and pickles. Bury me with my money!
Trailer Park Boys Burger And Fries
This is a big boy- Bacon, cheese curds, Velveeta cheese and ketchup with 2 grill cheese sandwiches for the bun. Bubble say ”That’s a nice f@cking burger…"
Terminator 2 Burger And Fries
2 strips of bacon, Bacon jelly, fried onions, bacon mayo and cheese. You’ll be back...
BurgerTime Burger And Fries
Bacon, Cheddar, spicy mayo, fried egg and hash browns. Watch out for that egg...
Bowser Burger Level 1 And Fries
Flammin hot Cheetos, cheddar, lettuce and tomato
Bowser Burger Level 8 And Fries
Flammin hot Cheetos, jalapeños, hot pepperjack cheese and Blazing mayo
Treasure Chest And Fries
Burger stuffed with American cheese and topped with fried onions and mayo. Score!