Pinthouse Brewing Menu

2201 E Ben White Blvd, Austin, TX 78741
  • 750 ml Crowlers - To Go Only

    • Bearded Seal 750ml

      Bearded Seal - 5.5% Style: Dry Irish Stout Flavor & Aroma: Roasted coffee, bitter chocolate, dry finish Notes: 2017 GABF Gold Medal Winner!
    • Burro's Breakfast 750ml

      Burros Breakfast Mexican Lager - 6% Style: Mexican Style Lager Flavor & Aroma: Lemon zest, noble hop Gluten Reduced
    • Electric Jellyfish 750ml

      Electric Jellyfish - 6.5% Style: Hazy IPA Flavor & Aroma: Juicy citrus, tropical fruit, and a refreshing balanced bitterness Notes: Citra, Simcoe, Sultana, and Azacca Hops… and a little bit of magic!
    • Far Out West 750ml

      6.7% Brewed at: Ben White Style: IPA Flavor & Aroma: pine resin, orange candy, oily bitterness Ingredient Notes: Chinook, Centennial, Cascade, and Amarillo
    • Fest Life 750ml

      Fest Life - 5.5% Style: German Fest Bier Flavor & Aroma: Bread Crust, Sweet Malt, Dry Body, Clean Finish Notes: German Malts, Hopped with Tettnanger and Saaz Hops
    • Fresh Hop RTN 750ml

      8.5% Brewed at: Round Rock Style: Fresh Hop DIPA Flavor & Aroma: Oily Skittles, Heavy Dank, Ripe Tangerine, Berries and Cantalope, Dry but Pillowy Ingredient Notes: Fresh Dried Whole Cone Chinook from Roy Farms, Amarillo, 301 Mosaic, 301 Cascad...
    • Fresh Hop Training Bines 750ml

      Fresh Hop Training Bines - 7.0% Style: Fresh Hop IPA Flavor & Aroma: Bright Citrus, Dank, Rich w/ Oils, Resinous. Ingredient Notes: Fresh Frozen Simcoe and Fresh Dried Citra from Perrault Farms.
    • Magical Pils 750ml

      Magical Pils - 5.3% Style: Dry Hopped Pilsner Flavor & Aroma: fruity and spicy hop profile, Pilsner malt, and a soft mouthfeel Ingredient Notes: Loral Dry Hopped
    • Old Beluga 750ml

      Old Beluga - 5.8% Style: Amber Ale Flavor & Aroma: Cherry malt notes and balanced finish
    • Pompelmo 750ml

      ABV: 4.8% Style: Grapefruit Wheat Ale Flavor & Aroma: Grapefruit aromatics balanced tastefully with a crisp wheat character Ingredient Notes: Weyerman Pilsner & Pale Wheat, Adeena, Grapefruit Peel and Grapefruit Juice Special Notes: Named from...
    • Scorpion Disco 750ml

      Scorpion Disco - 6.6% Brewed at: Round Rock & Ben White Style: West Coast IPA Flavor & Aroma: citrus, tropical, deep berry, white grape, resious Ingredient Notes: Chinook, Citra Powder, Strata, Mosaic, Mosaic Cryo, Nelson Suavin
    • Training Bines 750ml

      Training Bines - 7.0% Style: New School IPA Flavor & Aroma: Bright Citrus, Dank, Fruity and Balanced Notes: Citra, Simcoe and Mosaic Lupulin Powder
  • Snacks

    • Boiled Peanuts

      A Southern treat of boiled and salted peanuts in the shell. Allergies or Sensitivities: Peanut Allergy
    • Pickled Egg

      Paired with Magical Pils mostarda, hot pickle aioli, and a drop of hot sauce. Served with savory crackers. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy and Allium - (Garlic or Onion), Gluten, Egg
  • Shared Plates

    • Boiled Peanut Hummus

      House-made boiled peanut hummus, garnished with za’atar and pomegranate molasses, served with fresh veggies. Allergies or Sensitivities: Peanut, Sesame, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Brewer's Board

      Candied bacon, Magical Pils peach mostarda, speck and fennel sausage, pimento cheese dip, black pepper cashews, local cheese, savory crackers, and toasted bread. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy, Gluten, Tree Nut, Sesame, Allium - (Garlic or O...
    • Buffalo Wings

      Charred Vidalia blue cheese ranch, pickled rainbow carrots, fresh shaved celery, Tabasco chicharrón. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy, Peanut, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Hop Salt Chips & Onion Dip

      Kettle chips served with our house-made onion dip. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy, Allium - (Garlic or Onion), Fried in Peanut Oil
    • Smoked Fish Dip

      Smoked white fish mixed with a remoulade of capers, celery, and pickles. Finished with fresh herbs and served with lemon and grilled baguette. Allergies or Sensitivities: Fish, Egg, Gluten, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Texas Pretzel

      A soft pretzel large enough for Big Tex, served with Electric Jellyfish beer mustard and cheese fondue made with Training Bines Hazy IPA. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Cajun Dry Rub Chicken Wings

      Cajun dry rub Chicken Wings Served with Charred Vidalia blue cheese ranch, lemon, and Tabasco chicharrón. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy, Peanut, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
  • Big Bites - Sandwiches

    • Austin Hot Chicken

      Fried chicken breast with Nashville mop sauce, hot honey drizzle, and black pepper vinaigrette slaw. Served on our fresh Pullman loaf and finished with dill pickles and a hot aioli. ***Currently shares fryer with shellfish (oysters, shrimp)*** ...
    • Fried Chicken Sandwich

      Fried chicken breast, shaved iceberg with white BBQ vinaigrette, dill pickles, and roasted garlic aioli on a Martin's potato bun. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy, Peanut, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Hippie Burger

      Veggie burger made with black-eyed peas, black beans, and seasonal vegetables. Served with charred kale, Turkish pickled fennel, garlic toum, and a vegan mozzarella stacked on our house vegan bun. Allergies and Sensitivities: Gluten, Alliums(Ga...
    • Texas Wagyu Smash Burger

      Double Akaushi beef patty, caramelized Vidalia onions, pickles, shredded lettuce, American cheese, and Super sauce on our potato bun. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Roasted Beef Po'Boy

      Crispy French bread loaded with roasted beef in debris gravy. Served with pickles, tomatoes, crispy iceberg lettuce, aioli and hot sauce.
  • Pizza

    • Cheese

      Red Sauce and our house cheese blend on our Scicilian sourdough crust. Allergens and Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Alliums (Garlic/Onion)
    • Moon Shot

      Spicy Italian sausage, cup & char pepperoni, fennel Tuscano salami, spicy red sauce, house blend cheese, shaved speck. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Pork, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Mushroom Man

      Roasted local mushrooms, pickled cippolini, red sauce, and a pumpkin seed arugula pesto. Finished with a goat cheese crema.Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Pumpkin Seeds, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • Spicy Mama

      Spicy Italian sausage, banana and sweety drop peppers, roasted garlic, Calabrian puree, and spicy red sauce. Finished with shaved red onion and pecorino romano. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Pork, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • The O.G

      Charred pepperoni, spicy red sauce, and house-blended cheese. Topped with basil, spicy honey, and finished with dollops of ricotta. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Pork, Honey, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
    • The Hammer

      Country ham, salami, and green tomatoes. Topped with pickled cippolini, onions, and gruyere cheese, and finished with pickled garlic, spicy roasted garlic crema, and spicy honey.
    • Pepperoni Pizza

      Pepperoni, red sauce, house blend cheese. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Pork, Allium - (Garlic or Onion)
  • Salads

    • Chopped Salad

      Romaine lettuce, grilled corn, candied bacon, boiled peanuts, crispy shallots, pickled egg, pimentos, diced mozzarella, chives, and a creamy buttermilk dijon vinaigrette. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy, Pork, Gluten, Egg, Peanut, Allium - (Garl...
    • Southwest Kale Salad

      Baby kale, romaine lettuce, black-eyed peas, roasted corn, and cherry tomatoes, finished with fresh herbs, serrano peppers, crumbled goat cheese, and fresh avocado, served with an avocado vinaigrette. Allergies or Sensitivities: Dairy, Allium - (...
    • BLT Panzanella

      Iceberg and bibb lettuce, bacon lardons, Campari tomatoes, avocado, pickled cipollini onions, fresh herb mix, and shaved pecorino. Tossed with sourdough croutons and white BBQ vinaigrette. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Pork, Peanut, ...
  • Kid's Menu

    • Grilled Cheese

      Pullman toast with a house blend of American, Brick, and Mozzarella cheese. Choice of side and drink.
    • Grilled Chicken Breast

      Herb marinated local chicken breast. Choice of side and drink.
    • Cheeseburger

      Smash patty served on a potato bun with cheese, pickles, and ketchup. Choice of side and drink.
    • Hamburger

      Hamburger with ketchup and pickles. Choice of side and drink.
    • Chicken Strips

      Fried chicken cut into strips and served with Pinthouse ranch. Choice of side and drink.
  • Desserts

    • Beignet Doughnuts

      Beignet-style doughnuts tossed in powdered sugar, served with lemon curd and whipped brown sugar butter. Allergies or Sensitivities: Gluten, Dairy, Peanut, Egg
  • Sides

    • Hop Salt Chips - Side

    • Basil Slaw - Side

    • Fries - Side

    • Fruit - Side

  • Beverages

    • Fountain Drink - 16 Oz

    • Lemonade

    • Peach Tea

    • Tea

    • Cold Brew 8oz

      High Brew Nitro Cold Brew
    • Cold Brew 16oz

      High Brew Nitro Cold Brew
  • Giving Back

    • Buy The Kitchen Team A Beer

      The proceeds collected from this item will go directly to our hardworking back of house team who cannot receive tips from our normal guest tips. Thank you for supporting our Team!

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