"At Mountain House, we offer authentic Szechuan cuisine to tickle your taste bud. We present traditional Szechuan dishes, serving La-Zi Chicken, Swing Pork Belly, Szechuan Double Cooked Pork, and Szechuan Pickled and Fish. We provide a spiritual dining experience with fishponds, calligraphy, iron teapots, and ceramics to allow you to interact deeply with Chinese food culture. We would like to invite you to Szechuan Mountain House, to encounter authentic Szechuan cuisine as well as the cultural journey. 在川山甲,我们为您提供正宗、匠心的一流川菜。川山甲的明星菜品,如川山甲辣子鸡、晾衣白肉、盐菜回锅肉以及老坛酸菜鱼等,都将大大满足您每一寸的味蕾。 在餐厅中,我们精心为您呈现出极具禅意的静谧氛围 — 鱼塘、书法、铁壶、陶瓷,都在诉说中国的饮食文化。 我们诚挚的邀请您来到川山甲,体验地道的川菜,享受中国禅意饮食之旅。 - 心自然,味至真,川山甲。"