cashews, cashew butter, hemp hearts, pea protein, GF oats, freeze dried strawberries, coconut flakes, maple, vanilla, almond extract, sea salt
Superfood Crunch Amazeballs
Quinoa puffs, cacao nibs, hemp hearts, flax, coconut flakes, sun butter, maple syrup, vanilla, sea salt
Raw Cookie Dough Balls
Raw cookie dough made with almond flour, coconut flour, maple, dark chocolate chips, and cacao nibs
Overnight Oats
rolled oats soaked in almond milk blended with banana, dates, cinnamon & sea salt; topped with local granola, sun butter, fresh berries and coconut flakes
Health Bomb
rolled oats, chia seeds & flax soaked in coconut milk topped with honey, local granola, fresh berries, banana, hemp hearts and coconut flakes