Moge Tee Raleigh Menu

2304 Hillsborough St #100, Raleigh, NC 27607
  • Yogurt Fruit Tea Slush 厚乳酪

    • Yogurt Avocado Tea Slush 牛油果厚乳酪

      A slush-like drink that's made from Fresh Avocados and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink comes with Crystal (white) Bubbles and Yogurt. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Yogurt), Caffeine
    • Yogurt Strawberry Tea Slush 草莓厚乳酪

      A slush-like drink that consists of Fresh Strawberries and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink comes with strawberry dices, Crystal (white) Bubbles, and Yogurt. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from June-July. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Yogurt), Caffeine
    • Yogurt Mango Tea Slush 芒果厚乳酪

      A slush-like drink that's made from Fresh Mangos and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink comes with mango dices, Crystal (white) Bubbles, and Yogurt.\nThe peak season for this fruit runs from May-September. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Yogurt), Caffeine
  • Cheese Foam Tea 芝士现萃茶

    • Cheese Foam Four Season Oolong Tea 芝士四季春乌龙茶

      Freshly brewed Four Seasons OOLONG TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: A very floral-smelling Oolong tea that is astringent and light. Contains floral notes and a slightly creamy finish.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese Foam), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Honey Black Tea芝士果蜜红茶

      Freshly brewed Honey BLACK TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea notes: Classic black tea with a lingering, slightly bitter and astringent aftertaste.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese Foam), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Hawaiian Tea 芝士夏威夷春茶

      Freshly brewed Hawaiian OOLONG TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: A distinctive plum aroma that is lightly sweet and has a lingering astringent aftertaste.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese Foam), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam DaHongPao Tea 芝士金凤茶王

      Freshly brewed DaHongPao OOLONG TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: A dark oolong-based tea that has a unique orchid fragrance and a long-lasting sweet aftertaste.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese Foam), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Earl Grey Tea 芝士紅玉紅茶

      Freshly brewed ruby BLACK TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: A naturally sweet, and dark aromatic brew with slight creaminess when mixed with cheese foam.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese Foam), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Osmanthus Tea 芝士桂花乌龙茶

      Freshly brewed Osmanthus OOLONG TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: A fragrant mild Oolong-based tea that's infused with the aroma of tiny yellow osmanthus flowers. The tea is an ideal infusion for tea lovers partial to a fresh, green taste with floral notes.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese Foam), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Peach Oolong Tea 芝士桃香乌龙茶

      Freshly brewed peach-infused OOLONG TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: An Oolong-based tea with the fragrance sweet like a perfectly ripe fruit accompanied by a lingering floral aroma.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese foam), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Mountain Green Tea 芝士高山绿茶

      Freshly brewed Mountain GREEN TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: A Green Tea that contains an aroma that is sweet and natural. Once consumed the taste produced is smooth with a slightly sweet but lasting aftertaste.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Rose Oolong Tea 芝士玫瑰乌龙茶

      Freshly brewed rose-infused OOLONG TEA that's topped with cheese foam and matcha dusting. \n\nTea Description: An Oolong-based tea that is hearty and fragrant. This tea produces lively notes of fresh greens and aromatic notes of rose blossoms.\n\n> Can be made with no Cheese Foam!\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (Cheese Foam), Caffeine
  • Snack

    • Bottle Water

    • Crème Brûlée Cup布蕾小蛋糕

  • Merch

    • Sticker

      * If bought through the kiosk/app, show your receipt to a staff before grabbing a sticker. Thank you!
  • Fresh Milk Tea

    • Earl Grey Bubble Milk Tea 伯爵奶茶

      A milk tea that's made with an Earl Grey tea base. This drink contains Golden Bubbles. \n\nTea Notes: A dark and aromatic brew that is both sweet and creamy.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • DaHongPao Bubble Milk Tea 金凤珍珠奶茶

      A milk tea that's made with a DaHongPao OOLONG TEA base. This drink contains Golden Bubbles. \n\nTea Notes: An oolong-based tea that has a unique orchid fragrance and a long-lasting sweet aftertaste. Darker version of the regular Oolong milk tea whereas it's more flavorful.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Hawaiian Bubble Milk Tea 夏威夷珍珠奶茶

      An OOLONG MILK TEA that's made with a floral-scented Hawaiian tea base. This drink contains Golden Bubbles. \n\nTea Notes: Produces strong floral notes when brewed and consumed. It is an Oolong-based tea. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Osmanthus Bubble Milk Tea 桂花珍珠奶茶

      A milk tea that's made with an osmanthus OOLONG tea base. This drink contains bubbles. \n\nTea Notes: A fragrant OOLONG-based tea that's infused with the aroma of tiny yellow osmanthus flowers. The tea is an ideal infusion for tea lovers partial to a fresh, and light green taste with floral notes.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (no milk subs), Caffeine, GF
    • Rose Bubble Milk Tea 玫瑰珍珠奶茶

      A type of OOLONG MILK TEA infused with Rose flavor. This drink contains Golden Bubbles. \n\nTea Notes: An Oolong-based tea that is both light and fragrant. This tea produces lively notes of fresh greens and light aromatic notes of rose blossoms.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
  • Fruit Tea 超级鲜果茶

    • Super Fruit Honey Black Tea 超级水果红

      Honey BLACK TEA that's infused with lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon, and passionfruit jam.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF
    • Super Fruit Green Tea 超级水果绿

      Jasmine GREEN TEA that's infused with lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon, and passionfruit jam.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF
    • Fresh Lemon Green Tea Fruit Tea 爆柠绿茶

      Jasmine GREEN TEA that's infused with lemons and whole lime. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF
    • Fresh Lemon Honey Black Tea打冷震柠檬茶

      Honey BLACK TEA that's infused with lemons and whole lime. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF
    • Fresh Lemon Oolong Tea Fruit Tea爆柠四季春

      Four Seasons OOLONG TEA that's infused with lemons and whole lime. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF
    • Passion Fruit Green Tea 百香果绿茶

    • Super Fruit Four Seasons Oolong Tea 超级水果四季春

      Four Seasons OOLONG TEA that's infused with lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon, and passionfruit jam.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF
  • Fresh Fruit Slush 满杯冰沙

    • Fresh Red Dragon Fruit Tea满杯红龙果

      ***SEASONAL***\n\nFresh Red Dragonfruit blended with GREEN TEA, cannot do 0% sugar. \nA drink that is neither too sweet nor sour, we use real Dragonfruit which gives you a refreshing, earthy taste.\n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy-free, Caffeine, GF, Vegan
    • Fresh Watermelon Tea 满杯西瓜

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Watermelon and Four Seasons Oolong Tea. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from May-September. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Avocado Tea 满杯牛油果

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Avocados, Korean Pears, and Jasmine Green Tea. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Orange Tea 满杯鲜橙

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Oranges and Jasmine Green Tea. This drink comes with Orange Pulp and Orange slices. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from December-March. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Peach Tea 满杯桃桃

      **SEASONAL** \n\nA slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh White Peaches, Four Seasons Oolong Tea, and DaHongPao Oolong Tea.\n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Black Grape Tea 满杯黑提

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Black Grapes and Jasmine Green Tea. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from May-September. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Mango Tea 满杯芒果

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Mangos and Jasmine Green Tea. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from May-September. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Grapefruit Tea 满杯红柚

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Red Grapefruits and Jasmine Green Tea. This drink comes with Grapefruit Pulp and Grapefruit Slices. The peak season for this fruit runs from October-April. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Pineapple Tea 满杯凤梨

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Pineapples and Four Seasons Oolong Tea. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from March-July. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Berry Tea 满杯莓苺

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Strawberries, Blueberries, and Jasmine Green Tea. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from late Spring-Summer. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
    • Fresh Strawberry Tea 满杯草莓

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Strawberries and Jasmine Green Tea. \nThe peak season for this fruit runs from June-July. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Vegan, Caffeine, GF, Dairy-free
  • Fruit Yakult 水果多多

    • Grapefruit Yakult 西柚多多

      A sweetened probiotic yogurt beverage mixed with freshly mashed grapefruit.\n\nNotes: Contains grapefruit chunks and grapefruit slices. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, GF
    • Lemon Yakult 柠檬多多

      A sweetened probiotic beverage mixed with mashed up zesty lemons. \n\nNotes: Contains lemon slices. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, GF
    • Orange Yakult 鲜橙多多

      A sweetened probiotic beverage mixed with fresh oranges. \n\nNotes: Contains orange chunks and orange slices. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, GF
  • Uji Matcha 宇治抹茶

    • Cheese Foam Uji Matcha 芝士宇治抹茶

      Japanese-grade Uji Matcha that's topped with Cheese Foam and matcha dusting. \n\nAllergen/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Strawberry Matcha Latte草莓抹茶

      Premium matcha and strawberries come together to make a delicious drink
    • Crème Brûlée Uji Matcha 超浓宇治抹茶

      Japanese-grade Uji Matcha with Crème Brûlée swirled around in the cup. \n\nAllergen/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Classic Uji Matcha 经典宇治抹茶

      Japanese-grade Uji Matcha that's topped with Whip cream and matcha dusting. \n\nAllergen/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
  • Tofu Pudding 豆花布丁

    • Red Bean Tofu Pudding Milk Tea元气红豆奶花(奶茶款)

      Milk Tea served with Red Bean and soft Tofu Pudding.\n\nNO sugar adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Caffeine-free
    • Red Bean Tofu Pudding Milk 元气红豆奶花

      Whole milk served with Red Bean and soft Tofu Pudding.\n\nNO sugar adjustments.\nAllergy/Dietary: Caffeine-free
  • Milk Tea 奶茶

    • Wintermelon Green Milk Tea

      Milk tea made with Jasmine GREEN TEA base and Wintermelon syrup. \nSavory and sweet, similar to the taste of molasses.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Milk Black Tea 芝士红玉奶茶

      A well-balanced BLACK MILK TEA blend that is served with Cheese Foam and light matcha dusting. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Thai Tea 泰式奶茶

      Bright orange beverage that is sweet and creamy. \nCool when consumed, warm and hearty once settled. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Four Season Milk Tea 四季奶青

      A milk tea that's made with a Four Seasons OOLONG TEA base. \nOur version of the Regular OOLONG MILK TEA!\n\nTea Notes: A very floral-smelling oolong tea that is both smooth and light. Contains floral notes and a slightly creamy finish. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Bubble Milk Tea 珍珠奶茶

      A well-balanced BLACK MILK TEA blend that is served with Golden Bubbles. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Red Bean Milk Tea 红豆奶茶

      A well-balanced BLACK MILK TEA blend that is served with REAL Red Beans at the bottom. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUB), Caffeine, GF
    • Oreo Milk Tea 奥利奥奶茶

      A well-balanced BLACK MILK TEA blend that is served with Oreo crumbs and Whip Cream. \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Green Milk Tea 茉香奶绿

      A milk tea that's made with a Jasmine GREEN TEA base. \n\nTea Notes: Our green tea contains an aroma that is sweet and natural. Once consumed, the taste produced is smooth with a slightly sweet but lasting aftertaste.\n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
    • Crème Brûlée Milk Tea 布蕾蛋糕奶茶

      A well-balanced BLACK MILK TEA blend that is served with Crème Brûlée foam (swirled in the cup). \n\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (NO MILK SUBS), Caffeine, GF
  • Milk Swirl 脏脏奶

    • Brown Sugar Sweet Foam 黑糖珍珠奶盖

      READY AT NOON DAILY.\n\nSweet, dark tapioca pearls cooked with Brown Sugar swirled around the cup. The base is MILK, then topped with Sweet Foam.\n\nNO sugar adjustments.\nAllergens: Dairy (Sweet Foam)
    • Strawberry Bubble Milk

      Strawberry puree made with 100% fresh strawberries! Served with whole milk and our signature chewy Golden Bubbles. \n\nPerfect caffeine-free option for Little-Ones. NO sugar adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, GF, Caffeine Free
    • Brown Sugar Bubble Milk 黑糖珍珠脏脏鲜奶

      READY AT NOON DAILY.\n\nSweet, chewy daily-made Brown Sugar Bubbles swirled in a cup and served with whole milk. \n\nNO sugar adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, GF, Caffeine Free
    • Mango Bubble Milk

      Mango puree made with 100% fresh mangoes! Served with whole milk and our signature chewy Golden Bubbles.\n\nPerfect caffeine-free option for Little-Ones. NO sugar adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, GF, Caffeine Free
    • Brown Sugar Bubble Milk Tea 黑糖珍珠脏脏奶茶

      READY AT NOON DAILY.\n\nSweet, chewy daily-made Brown Sugar Bubbles swirled in a cup and served with Milk Tea. \n\nNO sugar adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy (no milk subs), GF
    • Brown Sugar Matcha黑糖珍珠抹茶

      Warm brown sugar with boba topped with organic milk and premium grade matcha
  • Cheese Foam Slush 芝士冰沙

    • Cheese Foam Mango Tea 芝士芒果

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Mangos and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam.\nPeak season for this fruit runs from May-September. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Strawberry Tea 芝士草莓

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Strawberries and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam.\nPeak season for this fruit runs from June-July. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Watermelon Tea 芝士西瓜

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Watermelon and Four Seasons OOLONG TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam.\nPeak season for this fruit runs from May-September. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Peach Tea 芝士桃桃

      **SEASONAL** \n\nA slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh White Peaches, Four Seasons OOLONG TEA, and DaHongPao OOLONG TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Berry Tea 芝士莓莓

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Strawberries, Blueberries, and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam.\nPeak season for these fruits runs from late Spring-Summer. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Pineapple Tea 芝士菠萝

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Pineapples and Four Seasons OOLONG TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam. \nPeak season for this fruit runs from March-July. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Mango Pomelo 杨枝甘露

      A caffeine-free slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Mangos, mango dices, crystal/white bubbles, grapefruit pomelo, and cheese foam. \nThe peak season for mangos runs from May-September.\n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, GF, Caffeine Free
    • Cheese Foam Black Grape Tea 芝士黑提

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Black Grapes and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam.\nPeak season for this fruit runs from May-September. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF
    • Cheese Foam Avocado Tea 芝士牛油果

      A slush-like beverage that consists of Fresh Avocados, Korean Pears, and Jasmine GREEN TEA. This drink is served with Cheese Foam. \n\nLowest sugar level is 30%, NO ice adjustments.\nAllergens/Dietary: Dairy, Caffeine, GF

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