Takoyaki tastes really delicious! They are quite tasty and have a lot of umami. The takoyaki batter is slightly crunchy on the exterior and seasoned, soft, and gooey within, melting in your mouth. The tiny chunk of octopus within is there to contrast the softness of the batter. The savory treat is made complete with sweet, salty sauces and seasonings for an incredible burst of flavors. Now you can make the perfect Takoyaki balls: Crispy on the outside coating, while savory and chewy on the inside fillings. Topped with "Bonita Flakes" Bonito flakes are loved by many due to its deliciousness, especially when eaten with takoyaki (octopus balls). Some of you may not know this. But, bonito flakes are actually made from fish, specifically skipjack tuna.