Items available everyday: Baked Chicken, Meatloaf, Country Style Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese, Green Beans, Pinto Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Tossed Salad, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Pasta Salad. Choice of Bread: Cornbread, Roll or No Bread\n Additional items that are offered by day of the week\nMONDAY (closed)\nTUESDAY includes - Fried Chicken, Baked Spaghetti, Salmon Patties, Lima Beans, Collard Greens \nWEDNESDAY includes- Fried Chicken, Chicken Pie, Lima Beans and Corn, Cabbage \nTHURSDAY includes- Fried Chicken, Chicken and Broccoli Casserole, Greens, Lima Beans and Corn, \nFRIDAY includes- Fried Fish, Chicken Pie, Red Roasted Potato Wedges, Cabbage, Black Eye Peas \n