Special Mango Juice Much Sago & Pomelo With Mango Ice Cream / 招牌楊枝甘露
Gluten-free. 220-250 cal.
Snow White Mango Juice Sago & Pomelo With Mango Ice Cream / 雪山楊枝金撈
Gluten-free. 250-280 cal.
Strawberry Mango Juice Sago & Lychee Jelly With Mango Ice Cream / 金粉西米亮晶晶
Gluten-free. 250-280 cal.
Mango Juice Rice Ball With Ice Cream / 小丸子多芒雪山撈
Gluten-free. 230-260 cal.
Mango Juice With Sago / 椰果-仙草 多芒西米露
Dairy free. 210-240 cal.
Snow White Mango Juice / 仙草 多芒白雪撈
Gluten-free. 230-260 cal.
Mango Juice With Watermelon & (Seasonal) / 小丸子 仙草 多芒西瓜撈
Gluten-free. 220-250 cal.
Mango And Black Rice / 椰汁底 芒汁底 芒果黑糯米
Gluten-free. 290-320 cal.
Snow White Juice With Red Bean & Lychee Jelly / 小丸子 - 仙草 丸紅 白雪紅豆撈
Gluten-free. 340-370 cal.
Snow White Juice & Red Bean With Green Tea Ice Cream / 白雪雪山紅豆撈
Gluten-free. 300-330 cal.
Snow White Juice With Ice Cream And Mixed Jelly / 白雪雪山雙
Gluten-free. 210-240 cal.
Mixed Fresh Fruit / 雜果撈
Gluten-free. 240-280 cal.
Musang King Durian Dessert Bowl / 貓山王榴蓮忘返
Gluten-free. 350-380 cal.
Mango Sundae / 芒果雪糕聖代
Gluten-free. 560-590 cal.
Vanilla Strawberry Sundae With Chocolate Syrup / 草莓聖代 香草巧克力
Gluten-free. 560-590 cal.
Coconut Mixed Fruit Sundae / 椰子雜果聖代
Gluten-free. 550-580 cal.
Green Tea Red Bean / 綠茶雪糕聖代
Gluten-free. 540-570 cal.
Triple Ice Cream Delight: Green Tea, Vanilla, Mango With Chocolate Syrup / 三色雪糕聖代
Gluten-free. 590-620 cal.
Waffle Ice Cream Sandwich / 雪糕鬆餅三明治
670-700 cal.
Mango Pancake (2 Pcs) / 芒果班戟
340-370 cal.
Mango Mochi (3 Pcs) / 芒果糯米糍
Gluten-free. 310-340 cal.
Coco Crêpe Roll (Slice) / 爆漿可可卷
580-610 cal.
Ube Mille Crêpe Cake (Slice) / 紫薯千層
560-590 cal.
Mango Mille Crêpe Cake (Slice) / 芒果千層
600-630 cal.
Green Tea Mille Crêpe Cake (Slice) / 綠茶千層
560-590 cal.
Crème Brûlée Mille Crêpe Cake (Slice) / 焦糖布蕾千層
580-610 cal.
Oreo Mille Crêpes Cake (Slice) / 奧利奧千層
510-540 cal.
Hot Dessert / 熱甜品
Black Sesame Paste Soup With Rice Ball
Dairy free, gluten-free. 450-480 cal.
Black Sesame Paste Soup With Mochi (4 Pcs) / 芝麻糊撈湯圓 (芝麻或花生)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 435-465 cal.
Ube Soup With Saggo And Rice Ball / 小丸子 紫薯西米
Gluten-free. 580-610 cal.
Combos / 套餐
Mango Mango Combo A
Gluten-free. 1255-1325 cal. A1 - special mango juice much sago & pomelo with mango ice cream, a8 - mango and black rice, s3 - mango mochi (3 pcs).
Mango Mango Combo B
1255-1325 cal. A2 - Snow White Mango Juice Sago & Pomelo with Mango Ice Cream, A4 - Mango Juice Rice Ball with Ice Cream, S2 - Mango Pancake (2 Pcs).
Mango Mango Combo C (Any 2 Flavor Hot Tea + 1 Mille Crêpe Cake)
570-1070 cal.
Crêpe or Waffle / 麗餅 or 華夫鬆餅
Waffle with a selection of fruit and Nutella flavors including mango, durian, banana, strawberry combinations. Choose from exotic ice creams like alphonso mango, matcha, vanilla, coconut, or Thai durian.
Egg Waffle
Egg Waffle with choice of fruit and Nutella flavors including mango, durian, banana, strawberry in various combinations. Select from exotic ice creams like alphonso mango, matcha, and more.
Hot Fruit Tea / 熱果茶
Fruity Oolong / 繽紛水果烏龍 (Cup - 16 Oz.)
Dairy free. 0 cal.
Rose Peach Oolong / 蜜桃玫瑰烏龍 (Cup - 16 Oz.)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 0 cal.
Lemon Chrysanthemum / 檸檬菊花茶 (Cup - 16 Oz.)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 0 cal.
Roselle Hawthorn Plum/ 梅洛神山楂茶 (Cup - 16 Oz.)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 0 cal.
Beauty Preserved / 仙女養生茶 (Cup - 16 Oz.)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 0 cal.
Hot Tea / 熱茶
Mango Green Tea / 芒果綠茶 (Cup 16 Oz.)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 0 cal.
Earl Grey Lavender Tea / 伯爵薰衣草茶 (Cup 16 Oz.)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 0 cal.
Summer Rose Black Tea / 玫瑰花紅茶 (Cup 16 Oz.)
Dairy free. 0 cal.
Chamomile Tea / 甘菊花茶 (Cup 16 Oz.)
Dairy free, gluten-free. 0 cal.
Drinks / 飲品
Coconut Mango Smoothie-O / 芒椰粒粒爽
Gluten-free. 260-290 cal.
Mango Smoothie-O / 芒果粒粒爽
Dairy free, gluten-free. 170-200 cal.
Mango Strawberry Smoothie-O / 粒粒爽 芒果草莓
Dairy free, gluten-free. 150-180 cal.
Strawberry Smoothie-O / 草莓粒粒爽
Dairy free, gluten-free. 160-190 cal.
Snow White Strawberry Smoothie-O / 粒粒爽 椰汁草莓
Gluten-free. 230-260 cal.
Watermelon Smoothie-O / 西瓜粒粒爽
Dairy free, gluten-free. 140-170 cal.
Cantaloupe Smoothie-O / 哈密瓜粒粒爽
Dairy free, gluten-free. 200-230 cal.
Fresh Banana Smoothie-O / 香蕉粒粒爽
Dairy free, gluten-free. 230-260 cal.
Snow White Smoothie-O With Red Bean & Mango / 白雪冰紅豆爽
Gluten-free. 270-300 cal.
Green Tea Smoothie-O With Red Bean & Black Rice / 黑米 爽 綠茶冰紅豆