Twice Baked Almond Croissant: A Balthazar croissant split and toasted. Then soaked with a maple bourbon syrup. Then filled with a almond frangipane and topped with more frangipane and sliced almonds\r\n\r\nIngredients: Almonds, butter, sugar, vanilla, maple syrup, bourbon and Balthazar croissant \r\n\r\nAllergens: dairy, eggs, nuts, wheat, alcohol (which is cooked off)\r\n\r\nTwice Baked Savory croissant- Balthazar croissant split and toasted and filled a wintergreen and cheese filling and then baked again. Think of a calzone filling in a croissant\r\n\r\nIngredients: Kale, garlic, olive oil, ricotta, mozzarella, salt, pepper, Balthazar croissant\r\n\r\nAllergens: dairy, alliums, wheat,