You will receive 6 bottles + herbs for each day of your juice cleanse :\n\n2 Green Juices, 2 Smoothies, 2 Fruit Juices, 1 pack of Full Spectrum Nutrition, 1 pack of Cell Cleansers
Alkaline Juice Cleanse (2 Day)
You will receive 6 bottles + herbs for each day of your juice cleanse :\n\n2 Green Juices x 2, 2 Smoothies x2, 2 Fruit Juices x2, 1 pack of Full Spectrum Nutrition x2, 1 pack of Cell Cleansers x2
Alkaline Juice Cleanse (3 Days)
You will receive 6 bottles + herbs for each day of your juice cleanse :\n\n2 Green Juices x 3, 2 Smoothies x 3, 2 Fruit Juices x 3, 1 pack of Full Spectrum Nutrition x 3, 1 pack of Cell Cleansers x 3
Jackfruit Tacos W Mango Salsa
Adobo braised jackfruit served on gluten free teff tortillas with a side of refried garbanzos and wild rice
Housemade walnut cheeze with sauteed veggies pressed in a spelt tortilla and served with a side of refried garbanzos and wild rice
Served with a side of Mixed Grains (Quinoa and Wild rice) and Veggies
Buddha Bowl
Butternut Squash\nSweet Peppers\nCherry Tomatoes\nTeriyaki Mushrooms\nSweet Peppers\nAvocado with Hemp Seeds\nWild Rice and Quinoa Blend\nCoconut Chipotle Dressing
The "BEST" Sandwich
Spelt bread, grilled squash, grilled zucchini, grilled portobello, caramelized onion, sundried tomato spread and house-made hummus. Served with a side of Burro Fries (fried burro banana)
An alkaline staple! Assorted seasonal vegetables sauteed and served over mixed ancient grains
Bones Bowl
Layers of quinoa, sweet and smokey roasted butternut squash, arugula, grape tomatoes, caramelized onions and coconut chipotle dressing
Formulated to assist the body in removing acid, inflammation, and calcifications causing pain and immobility in the joints and connective tissues.\n\nIngredients:\nBladderwrack, Devil’s Claw, Sage, Nettle, African Bird Pepper
Blood Pressure
An herbal blend designed to act in two ways - to assist in lowering blood pressure and the cleansing of the blood.\n\nIngredients:\nBurdock, Flor de manita, Yerba del sapo, Bladderwrack, African bird pepper
Healthy Blood Sugar
Designed to specifically target the pancreas, remove mucus, inflammation and fat, unclogging the pancreatic duct such that the body can return to the normal processing of blood sugar.\n\nDandelion, Nopal, Sage, Red Raspberry, Prop. Blend
Cell Cleansers
Cell Cleansers - designed for an intracellular cleansing or washing of the cells to specifically remove toxins, heavy metals and mucus.\n\nIngredients:\nCascara Sagrada, BVN Proprietary Blend
Essiac Plus
Reformulated Alkaline version of the popular and very successful formula popularized in Canada. To our formula, we have added some of the strongest known cancer fighters in the natural kingdom.\nIngredients:\nBurdock, Rhubarb, Blessed Thistle
Fibroid Formula
Formulated to address both symptoms and the underlying issues of fibroids by assisting the body in increasing blood flow to the uterus, regulating hormones and removing waste.\n\nRed Clover, Damiana, PauD’Arco, Chaparral, Sarsaparilla
Her - Women's Support
Designed to nourish/support the female endocrine system, providing nutrition to glands throughout the body promoting a healthy hormonal balance of the female reproductive system.\n\nDamiana, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Hydrangea, Prop Blend
Him - Men's Support
Designed to nourish/support the male endocrine system, sending a signal to the body for increased testosterone production.\n\nIngredients:\nIngredients: Damiana, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Yohimbe, Prop. Blend
Healthy Kidney Formula
Designed to promote and support healthy kidney function as well as the decalcification and breaking up of stones.\n\nIngredients:\nBurdock, Horsetail, Chaparral, Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Marshmallow, BVN Proprietary Blend
Lymphatic Formula
An herbal formulation to cleanse the lymphatic system while promoting increased lymphatic circulation throughout the body.\n\nIngredients:\nRed Clover, Chaparral, Poke Root, Hydrangea, BVN Proprietary Blend
Mega Plant Iron
A combination of herbs with high concentrations of naturally occurring iron (iron of fluorine) designed to fortify the blood, cleanse the blood and strengthen the immune system.\n\nSarsaparilla, Burdock, Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Blue Vervain
Lymphatic (Therapeutic)
Mega Plant Iron (Therapeutic)
Pain & Anxiety Formula
Produces a calming effect throughout the body while nourishing the central nervous system. Ideal for those that experiencing pain, headaches, and diseases of the central nervous system.\n\nLupulo, Valerian Root, Lavender, Catnip, Burdock
Pregnancy Friend
Designed to assist with fertility, toning of the uterus and birth canal, increased nutrients and blood flow to the womb, and aid birth and postpartum\n\nIrish Moss, Burdock, Red Raspberry, Blessed Thistle, Fenugreek, Elderberry, Nopal, Nettle
Parasite Cleanse
An herbal formula containing herbs that have been used for thousands of years to create an environment internally that will kill off worms and parasites.\n\nIngredients:\nWormwood, Black Walnut Bark, Sarsaparilla, Clove
Prostate Formula
Designed to assist with issues associated with the male prostate and reproductive system.\n\nIngredients:\nSaw Palmetto, Stinging Nettles, Sarsaparilla, Red Clover, BVN Proprietary Blend
Immune Defense - LG
This formulation exhibits multiple properties including antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial.\n\nIngredients:\nElderberry, Blue Vervain, Pau D'Arco, Cocolmeca, Mullein, Soursop, BVN Proprietary Blend
Irish Sea Moss Capsules
Nature's "multivitamin". Packed with numerous beneficial properties to include thyroid support, weight management, hormone balancing, anti inflammatory properties, blood sugar maintenance, collagen formation.\n\nIngredients:\nIrish Moss Powder
An herbal formula designed to specifically target the lungs and bronchial tubes.\n\nIngredients:\nLobelia, Mullein, Sage, Irish Moss, Chickweed, Elderberry
Full Body Cleanse Package
Consists of the following :\n\nFull Spectrum Nutrition (one month supply)\nCell Cleansers (one month supply)\nMega Plant Iron\nParasite Cleanse\nLymphatic\nHim or Her
Basic Cleanse Package
Consists of the following : \n\nFull Spectrum Nutrition (one month supply)\nCell Cleansers (one month supply)\n
Covid Care
Consists of the following : \n\nFull Spectrum Nutrition (one month supply)\nCell Cleansers (one month supply)\nImmune Defense\nRespir-Ease\nLymphatic\nMega Plant Iron
Gallbladder Support
Liver Support
Gout Formula
Digestive Support
Yoni Wash
Designed to nourish/support the female reproductive system when needing to reestablish a healthy balance. This product is an herbal blend that needs to be steeped and used as a vaginal douche.\n\nIngredients : Lupulo, Arnica, Sage, Red Clover, Yerba Manza, Lavendar, Pau D' Arco
You will receive 6 bottles + herbs for each day of your juice cleanse :\n\n2 Green Juices, 2 Smoothies, 2 Fruit Juices, 1 pack of Full Spectrum Nutrition, 1 pack of Cell Cleansers
Alkaline Juice Cleanse (3 Days)
You will receive 6 bottles + herbs for each day of your juice cleanse :\n\n2 Green Juices x 3, 2 Smoothies x 3, 2 Fruit Juices x 3, 1 pack of Full Spectrum Nutrition x 3, 1 pack of Cell Cleansers x 3
Alkaline Juice Cleanse (2 Day)
You will receive 6 bottles + herbs for each day of your juice cleanse :\n\n2 Green Juices x 2, 2 Smoothies x2, 2 Fruit Juices x2, 1 pack of Full Spectrum Nutrition x2, 1 pack of Cell Cleansers x2
Layers of quinoa, sweet and smokey roasted butternut squash, arugula, grape tomatoes, caramelized onions and coconut chipotle dressing
Buddha Bowl
Butternut Squash\nSweet Peppers\nCherry Tomatoes\nTeriyaki Mushrooms\nSweet Peppers\nAvocado with Hemp Seeds\nWild Rice and Quinoa Blend\nCoconut Chipotle Dressing
Jackfruit Tacos W Mango Salsa
Adobo braised jackfruit served on gluten free teff tortillas with a side of refried garbanzos and wild rice
Jackfruit Crab Cakes
Served with a side of Mixed Grains (Quinoa and Wild rice) and Veggies
Housemade walnut cheeze with sauteed veggies pressed in a spelt tortilla and served with a side of refried garbanzos and wild rice
The "BEST" Salad
Butternut Squash\nCandied Walnuts\nRed Onion\nAvocado with Hemp Seeds\nCherry Tomato\nMixed Greens\nHouse Vinaigrette
The "BEST" Sandwich
Spelt bread, grilled squash, grilled zucchini, grilled portobello, caramelized onion, sundried tomato spread and house-made hummus. Served with a side of Burro Fries (fried burro banana)
Served with a side of Mixed Grains (Quinoa and Wild rice) and Veggies
Jackfruit Tacos W Mango Salsa
Adobo braised jackfruit served on gluten free teff tortillas with a side of refried garbanzos and wild rice
Housemade walnut cheeze with sauteed veggies pressed in a spelt tortilla and served with a side of refried garbanzos and wild rice
The "BEST" Sandwich
Spelt bread, grilled squash, grilled zucchini, grilled portobello, caramelized onion, sundried tomato spread and house-made hummus. Served with a side of Burro Fries (fried burro banana)
Teff Chips
Snack Quartet
Hummus\nTeff Chips\nSeasonal Fruit\nTrailmix
Seasonal Fruit Bowl - Melon
Formulated to assist the body in removing acid, inflammation, and calcifications causing pain and immobility in the joints and connective tissues.\n\nIngredients:\nBladderwrack, Devil’s Claw, Sage, Nettle, African Bird Pepper
Basic Cleanse Package
Consists of the following : \n\nFull Spectrum Nutrition (one month supply)\nCell Cleansers (one month supply)\n
Blood Pressure
An herbal blend designed to act in two ways - to assist in lowering blood pressure and the cleansing of the blood.\n\nIngredients:\nBurdock, Flor de manita, Yerba del sapo, Bladderwrack, African bird pepper
Cell Cleansers
Cell Cleansers - designed for an intracellular cleansing or washing of the cells to specifically remove toxins, heavy metals and mucus.\n\nIngredients:\nCascara Sagrada, BVN Proprietary Blend
Digestive Support
Essiac Plus
Reformulated Alkaline version of the popular and very successful formula popularized in Canada. To our formula, we have added some of the strongest known cancer fighters in the natural kingdom.\nIngredients:\nBurdock, Rhubarb, Blessed Thistle
Fibroid Formula
Formulated to address both symptoms and the underlying issues of fibroids by assisting the body in increasing blood flow to the uterus, regulating hormones and removing waste.\n\nRed Clover, Damiana, PauD’Arco, Chaparral, Sarsaparilla
Full Body Cleanse Package
Consists of the following :\n\nFull Spectrum Nutrition (one month supply)\nCell Cleansers (one month supply)\nMega Plant Iron\nParasite Cleanse\nLymphatic\nHim or Her
Gout Formula
Healthy Blood Sugar
Designed to specifically target the pancreas, remove mucus, inflammation and fat, unclogging the pancreatic duct such that the body can return to the normal processing of blood sugar.\n\nDandelion, Nopal, Sage, Red Raspberry, Prop. Blend
Healthy Kidney Formula
Designed to promote and support healthy kidney function as well as the decalcification and breaking up of stones.\n\nIngredients:\nBurdock, Horsetail, Chaparral, Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Marshmallow, BVN Proprietary Blend
Him - Men's Support
Designed to nourish/support the male endocrine system, sending a signal to the body for increased testosterone production.\n\nIngredients:\nIngredients: Damiana, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Yohimbe, Prop. Blend
Her - Women's Support
Designed to nourish/support the female endocrine system, providing nutrition to glands throughout the body promoting a healthy hormonal balance of the female reproductive system.\n\nDamiana, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Hydrangea, Prop Blend
Immune Defense - LG
This formulation exhibits multiple properties including antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial.\n\nIngredients:\nElderberry, Blue Vervain, Pau D'Arco, Cocolmeca, Mullein, Soursop, BVN Proprietary Blend
Irish Sea Moss Capsules
Nature's "multivitamin". Packed with numerous beneficial properties to include thyroid support, weight management, hormone balancing, anti inflammatory properties, blood sugar maintenance, collagen formation.\n\nIngredients:\nIrish Moss Powder
Liver Support
Lymphatic Formula
An herbal formulation to cleanse the lymphatic system while promoting increased lymphatic circulation throughout the body.\n\nIngredients:\nRed Clover, Chaparral, Poke Root, Hydrangea, BVN Proprietary Blend
Mega Plant Iron
A combination of herbs with high concentrations of naturally occurring iron (iron of fluorine) designed to fortify the blood, cleanse the blood and strengthen the immune system.\n\nSarsaparilla, Burdock, Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Blue Vervain
Pain & Anxiety Formula
Produces a calming effect throughout the body while nourishing the central nervous system. Ideal for those that experiencing pain, headaches, and diseases of the central nervous system.\n\nLupulo, Valerian Root, Lavender, Catnip, Burdock
Parasite Cleanse
An herbal formula containing herbs that have been used for thousands of years to create an environment internally that will kill off worms and parasites.\n\nIngredients:\nWormwood, Black Walnut Bark, Sarsaparilla, Clove
Pregnancy Friend
Designed to assist with fertility, toning of the uterus and birth canal, increased nutrients and blood flow to the womb, and aid birth and postpartum\n\nIrish Moss, Burdock, Red Raspberry, Blessed Thistle, Fenugreek, Elderberry, Nopal, Nettle
An herbal formula designed to specifically target the lungs and bronchial tubes.\n\nIngredients:\nLobelia, Mullein, Sage, Irish Moss, Chickweed, Elderberry
Prostate Formula
Designed to assist with issues associated with the male prostate and reproductive system.\n\nIngredients:\nSaw Palmetto, Stinging Nettles, Sarsaparilla, Red Clover, BVN Proprietary Blend
Yoni Wash
Designed to nourish/support the female reproductive system when needing to reestablish a healthy balance. This product is an herbal blend that needs to be steeped and used as a vaginal douche.\n\nIngredients : Lupulo, Arnica, Sage, Red Clover, Yerba Manza, Lavendar, Pau D' Arco