Wheatgrass, lemon, dash cayenne\nanti-oxidant powerhouse, an excellent source of vitamins & minerals, 17 amino acids, anti-inflammatory
Matha Energy Shot
Combination of matcha green tea with b6/12 powder mixed with almond milk\nincrease energy &focus while boosting your mood.
Apple Cider Vinegar Shot
applecider vinegar, fresh OJ, tumeric \n\n
Weight Loss Shot
garcinia cambogia blended with almond milk \nsuppress appetite & boost metabolism to promote healthy weightloss \n
Juice Cleanses
1 Day Famous "Original" Cleanse
Press the reset button on your health with our most popular cleanse! No food needed this will supply you with everything you need for the day! \nIncludes 3 super juices & 3 fortified shakes plus a matcha weight loss shot \nOne Day Original cleanse consists of\n1-Matcha Malt\n1-Immunity Boost\n1-Cocoa Protein\n1-Green Blast\n1-Berry Power\n1-Cleanser \nfor best results, we recommend this option weekly for a month or 3 days in a row
1 Day Super Cleanse
Recieve 6 Super Juices & one Hot Shot \nIf Juice is your Jam and shakes aren't for you this cleanse is the perfect option! Our juices are setup to meet your daily nutritional needs. Lower in calories than our Original cleanse great as a midweek metabolism booster or order 3 days in a row for a full body reset!
3 Day Juice Till Dinner
Juice all day & enjoy a healthy light meal at night for 3 days!\ndaily 2 Super Juices + 2 fortified shakes\ntotal of 6 Juices + 6 shakes \nWill help curb cravings reduce appetite & remove toxins.\nLooking for food suggestions to pair give us a call our nutritionist would be happy to guide you.