Paleta of your liking. Chocolate-covered and hand dipped in either coconut flakes, pecan pieces, sprinkles or almond slices. Paleta de su gusto, cubierta de chocolate y banada en copos de coco, trozos de nuez, chispas de colores o Rodajas de almendras.
Ice Cream
Authentic Homemade Ice Cream
Agua De Horchata
Agua De Limon Con Chia
Milk Shake
All milk shakes include chocolate drizzle, whip cream and a cherry, unless otherwise specified.
Agua Fresa De Leche
Agua DeJamaica
Agua De Rompope
Green Juice - Jugo Verde
Jugo natural con nopal, apio, perijil, savila, pina, manzana, pepino, chia y jugo de naraja, Natural juice with cactus, celery, perijil, savila, pineapple, apple, cucumber, chia seeds and orange juice.
Natural Energy Juice
Jugo enegertico. Juice with beets, carrots, apple, pineapple, celery and orange juice. Jugo con betabel, zanahoria, manzana, pina, apio y jugo de naranja.
Food Items
Corn In A Cup / Elotes
Mexican street corn dish made with mayonnaise, cotija cheese, butter, and chili powder, all slathered into a cup or ear of corn. (variedad de frutas frescas jugosas mezcladas en charola o cortadas en cubitos en vaso. También disponible a tu Gusto).
Prepared Food
Anotjitos preparados. Prepared with cabbage, pickled pork skin, cilantro, tomato, onion, cheese, cream, avocado, peanuts, and chili to your liking.
Melted cheese and jalapenos.
Cheetos With Cheese
Melted cheese. Cheese will always be put on the side.
Homemade Chips
Chips caseros.
Wheaton Flour Chips
Bolsa de chicharron. Lagrimas. Wheels, squared or tear-shaped chips.
Seed Appetizer
Nacho Elote
Doritos topped with nacho cheese, jalapenos and an elote prepared with mayo, butter, Cotija cheese and chili.
Tapatio Soup
Tapatio ramen noodle soup topped with mayo, cheese, butter, chili powder and elote.
Yogurts & Bionico's
Los Bionicos son crema dulce rociada sobre su seleccion de fruta. Bionico is sweetened cream milk drizzled over your selection of fruit.