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Island Time Beach Bar & Grill is the newest bar to join the seawall entertainment district. We are proud to be an LGBTQ+ bar that welcomes all. Hosting Happy Hour specials (including it’s 5 o’clock somewhere Noon to 7pm daily), karaoke, drag, bingo, dancing, food and so much more. “There is always time to be on Island Time, a place for all” #islandtime #rumors #3rdCoast #lgbtq #gaybar #karaoke #shows #livemusic #happyhour #5oclocksomewhere #splash #bar #aplaceforall #galveston #drink #foodtruck #patio #dogfriendly #frozendrinks #sandbox #thirdcoast #krave #barandgrill #foodtruck #itallstartshere #dragbrunch #brunch #pinkdolphin