Gursha Ethiopian Grill Menu

2316 University Ave, Des Moines, IA 50311
  • Veggie Entrées

    • Special 5 Veggies Combo

      Vegetarian. 1) Missir wot, 2) shiro wot, 3) gomen, 4) alicha, 5) kik alicha wot.
    • Missir & Shiro Wot (1, 2)

      Vegetarian. 1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic.
    • Missir Wot & Gomen (1, 3)

      Vegetarian. 1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic.
    • Missir & Alicha (1, 4)

      1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric.
    • Missir & Kik Alicha Wot (1, 5)

      1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic.
    • Shiro Wot & Gomen (2, 3)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic.
    • Shiro Wot & Alicha (2, 4)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric.
    • Shiro & Kik Alicha Wot (2, 5)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic.
    • Gomen & Alicha (3, 4)

      3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic. 4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric.
    • Gomen & Kik Alicha Wot (3, 5)

      3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic. 5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic.
    • Alicha & Kik Alicha Wot (4, 5)

      4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric. 5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic.
  • Meat Entrées

    • Special 5 Meats Combo

      6) Ziggini, 7) beef tibs, 8) chicken tibs, 9) beef alicha, 10) Doro wot.
    • Ziggini & Beef Tibs (6, 7)

      6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions. 7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Ziggini & Chicken Tibs (6, 8)

      6) ziggini - beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions. 8) chicken tibs - chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Ziggini & Beef Alicha (6, 9)

      6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes & carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Ziggini & Doro Wot (6, 10)

      6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
    • Beef & Chicken Tibs (7, 8)

      7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere. 8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Beef Tibs & Beef Alicha (7, 9)

      7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes & carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Beef Tibs & Doro Wot (7, 10)

      7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
    • Chicken Tibs & Beef Alicha (8, 9)

      8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes & carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Chicken Tibs & Doro Wot (8, 10)

      8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
    • Beef Alicha & Doro Wot (9, 10)

      9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes and carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
  • Mixed Entrées

    • Special 5 Mixed Combo

      You can mix and match up to 5 entrées.
    • Missir Wot & Ziggini (1, 6)

      1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions.
    • Missir Wot & Beef Tibs (1, 7)

      1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Missir Wot & Chicken Tibs (1, 8)

      1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Missir Wot & Beef Alicha (1, 9)

      1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes and carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Missir & Doro Wot (1, 10)

      1) Missir wot - Split lentil sauce cooked with berbere, onions, ginger and garlic. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
    • Shiro Wot & Ziggini (2, 6)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions.
    • Shiro Wot & Beef Tibs (2, 7)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Shiro Wot & Chicken Tibs (2, 8)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Shiro Wot & Beef Alicha (2, 9)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes and carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Shiro & Doro Wot (2, 10)

      2) Shiro wot - Ground yellow split peas cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and garlic. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
    • Gomen & Ziggini (3, 6)

      3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic. 6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions.
    • Gomen & Beef Tibs (3, 7)

      3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic. 7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Gomen & Chicken Tibs (3, 8)

      3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic. 8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Gomen & Beef Alicha (3, 9)

      3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes and carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Gomen & Doro Wot (3, 10)

      3) Gomen - Fresh collard greens sautéed with onions, ginger and garlic. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
    • Alicha & Ziggini (4, 6)

      4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric. 6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions.
    • Alicha & Beef Tibs (4, 7)

      4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric. 7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Alicha & Chicken Tibs (4, 8)

      4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric. 8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Alicha & Beef Alicha (4, 9)

      4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes & carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Alicha & Doro Wot (4, 10)

      4) Alicha - Fresh cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked with onions, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
    • Kik Alicha Wot & Ziggini (5, 6)

      5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic. 6) Ziggini - Beef meat cooked with berbere, garlic, and onions.
    • Kik Alicha Wot & Beef Tibs (5, 7)

      5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic. 7) Beef tibs - Beef sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Kik Alicha Wot & Chicken Tibs (5, 8)

      5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic. 8) Chicken tibs - Chicken sautéed with onions, tomatoes, jalapeños and berbere.
    • Kik Alicha Wot & Beef Alicha (5, 9)

      5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic. 9) Beef alicha - Beef meat, potatoes & carrots cooked with onions, ginger and turmeric.
    • Kik Alicha & Doro Wot (5, 10)

      5) Kik alicha wot - Yellow split peas cooked with spicy turmeric, ginger and garlic. 10) Doro wot - Chicken cooked with onions, garlic, ginger, berbere, mixed spices and boiled eggs.
  • Drink

    • Real! Fresh Mango Smoothie

      Made with real mango.
    • Mango Juice Bottle

      Mango juice bottle, option to pair with injera, rice, or half and half.
    • VEEO Mango Juice Can

      Veeo mango juice can, served with choice of injera, rice, or half injera and rice.
    • VEEO Papaya Juice

      Served with a choice of injera, rice, or a half-and-half mix.
    • VEEO Passion Fruit Juice

      Veeo passion fruit juice paired with a choice of injera, rice, or half-and-half.
    • Monster Energy

      Served with your choice of injera, rice, or half injera and rice.
    • Water Bottle

      Pure water in a bottle. Choice of accompaniment: injera, rice, or a mix of both.
    • Coke

      The cold, refreshing, sparkling classic that America loves.
    • Diet Coke

      A crisp, refreshing taste you know and love with zero calories.
    • Cherry Coke

      Enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste with sweet, smooth cherry flavor.
    • Fanta Strawberry

      Change up your routine with the bright, bubbly, fruity orange flavor.
    • Fanta Orange

      Change up your routine with the bright, bubbly, fruity orange flavor.
    • Sprite

      The cold, refreshing flavors of lemon and lime, perfectly blended.
    • Lemonade

      Refreshing lemonade, options for accompaniment: injera (spongy flatbread), rice, or a combination of both.
    • Mello Yello Y3

      The smooth citrus soda taste that has refreshed people's thirst for over two decades.

      A refreshing fizzy drink with a mixed fruit flavor, perfect for quenching your thirst.

      A refreshing carbonated beverage with a unique blend of mixed fruit flavors.
  • Side Order

    • Extra Injera

      Vegetarian. VEGAN
    • Extra Rice

    • Beef Sambuusa

      Beef sambuusa; samosa filled with spiced beef. Served with choice of injera, rice, or half injera and rice.
    • Small Salad

    • Vegetarian Sambusa

      Lentil Sambusa
    • Chicken Sambusa

      Chicken sambusa wrapped in a crispy shell, served with choice of injera, rice, or a combination of both.

Menu Gallery

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