Gong Cha Menu

555 S State St, Chicago, IL 60605
  • Waffles Original

    • Chocolate

      Crispy bubble waffle with a light, airy texture and a hint of chocolate flavor.
    • The Original Bubble Waffle

      Golden, airy waffle bubbles with a crisp exterior and soft, chewy interior.
    • Bubble Waffle With Pearl

      Crispy and airy bubble waffle, featuring a unique texture with pearl-like spheres.
    • Ham&Cheddar Waffle Sandwiches

      Savory ham and melted cheddar cheese nestled between fluffy waffle sandwiches.
    • Pepperoni&Provolone Waffle Sandwich

      I don't have the information needed to describe the dish based on the provided image. Please provide an image of the dish or more details about the food item.
    • Turkey&Provolone Waffle Sandwich

      Slices of turkey and provolone cheese nestled between crispy waffle halves.
  • Mustache Series

    • Black Tea Milk Foam Large Iced

      Black tea with milk foam, large, iced. Options for ice: no to regular. Sugar options range from none to 100%.
    • Black Tea Milk Foam Medium Iced

      Black tea iced with milk foam; options for ice (no to regular) and sugar level (0% to 100%).
    • Creme Brulee Brown Sugar Large Iced

      Creme Brulee Brown Sugar, Large, Iced. Choose ice: no to regular. Sugar customization: 0% to 100%.
    • Creme Brulee Brown Sugar Medium Iced

      Creme brulee brown sugar iced: Choose ice from no to regular, sugar 0% to 100%.
    • Creme Brulee Strawberry Latte Large Iced

      Creme Brulee Strawberry Latte, Large, Iced - Asian twist on a classic coffee latte with strawberry notes. Choose from four ice levels.
    • Creme Brulee Strawberry Latte Medium Iced

      Creme Brulee Strawberry Latte, medium, iced. Coffee latte with customizable ice (no to regular) and sugar levels (0-100%).
    • Dirty Brown Sugar Milk Tea Large Iced

      Dirty Brown Sugar Milk Tea: Large iced, customizable ice from no to regular, sugar levels from zero to 100%.
    • Dirty Brown Sugar Milk Tea Medium Iced

      Dirty Brown Sugar Milk Tea: Medium iced; customizable ice (from no to regular) and sugar levels (0% to 100%).
    • Green Tea Milk Foam Large Iced

      Green tea with milk foam, large iced. Options for ice (no to regular) and sugar level (0% to 100%).
    • Green Tea Milk Foam Medium Iced

      Medium iced green tea topped with creamy milk foam. Choose ice level from no to regular. Sugar customization available from 0% to 100%.
    • Oolong Milk Foam Large Iced

      Oolong milk foam over large iced tea. Customize with ice level from no to regular and sugar from 0% to 100%.
    • Oolong Milk Foam Medium Iced

      Medium iced oolong tea topped with creamy milk foam. Choose from four ice levels and five sugar options to customize your refreshment.
    • Winter Melon Milk Foam Large Iced

      Refreshing milk tea featuring sweet winter melon, topped with creamy milk foam. Choose ice (no to regular) and sugar level (0% to 100%).
    • Winter Melon Milk Foam Medium Iced

      Winter Melon Milk Foam Iced Tea: Medium - Choose ice from no to regular. Sugar customization available from 0% to 100%.
    • Earl Grey Milk Foam Medium Iced

      Earl Grey tea with chilled milk foam. Sugar customization available: no sugar to 100%.
    • Earl Grey Milk Foam Large Iced

      Earl Grey tea with icy milk foam. Choose from five sugar levels, including a sugar-free option.
  • Milk Tea Series

    • Thai Tea Large Iced

      Thai tea, large iced. Choose ice level: no to regular. Sugar customization: 0 to 100%.
    • Thai Tea Medium Iced

      Thai tea, served iced, with customizable ice and sugar levels ranging from no ice/sugar to full.
    • Caramel Milk Tea Large Iced

      Caramel Milk Tea, Large Iced - Select ice: no/light/less/regular. Choose sugar level: 0%/30%/50%/70%/100%.
    • Caramel Milk Tea Medium Iced

      Caramel milk tea, iced medium. Choice of ice level from no ice to regular. Sugar level options range from no sugar to 100%.
    • Earl Grey Milk Tea With 3 Js Large

      Include pearl, herbal jelly, and pudding.
    • Earl Grey Milk Tea With 3 Js Medium

      Include pearl, herbal jelly, and pudding.
    • Early Grey Milk Tea Large Iced

      Large iced Earl Grey milk tea with customizable ice and sugar levels, ranging from "no" to "regular" ice and sugar content from "no" to "100".
    • Early Grey Milk Tea Medium Iced

      Earl Grey milk tea, iced, medium. Customize with options for ice level and sugar level ranging from none to full.
    • Green Milk Tea Large Iced

      Large iced green milk tea. Options for ice: none to regular. Sugar levels from 0% to 100%.
    • Green Milk Tea Medium Iced

      Asian-style milk tea, available with ice and sugar customization from no ice to regular, and sugar levels from none to full.
    • Oolong Milk Tea Large Iced

      Only available as a cold drink.
    • Pearl Milk Tea Large Iced

      Include Pearls
    • Pearl Milk Tea Medium Iced

      Include Pearls
    • Strawberry Milk Tea Large Iced

      Strawberry milk tea, large, iced. Options: four ice levels, five sugar levels to customize.
    • Strawberry Milk Tea Medium Iced

      Strawberry milk tea, iced, medium. Customize with ice level: no to regular. Sugar options range: 0% to 100%.
    • Wintermelon Milk Tea Large Iced

      Refreshing blend with customizable ice (no to regular) and sugar levels (0% to 100%). Ideal for tailored refreshment preferences.
    • Wintermelon Milk Tea Medium Iced

      Wintermelon milk tea, served iced, medium size. Choose ice from none to regular. Sugar customization available from 0% to 100%.
  • Brewed Series

    • Pepperoni&Provolone Waffle Sandwich

      A refreshing brewed tea with a rich amber hue, served chilled with ice cubes.
    • Black Tea Medium Iced

      Asian brewed series. Medium iced black tea. Choose sugar level: no sugar up to 100%.
    • Earl Grey Medium Iced

      Earl Grey Milk Tea, served iced with customizable ice levels ranging from no ice to regular.
    • Earl Grey Tea Large Iced

      Earl Grey tea, large, iced, with ice level options: no, light, less, or regular.
    • Green Tea Large Iced

      Green tea, served iced in large size. Options for ice level range from none to regular.
    • Green Tea Medium Iced

      Green tea, medium, iced. Options for ice level: from none to regular.
    • Oolong Tea Large Iced

      Oolong tea, large, iced. Choose ice level from no to regular.
    • Oolong Tea Medium Iced

      Brew Tea
  • Tea Latte

    • Black Tea Latte Large Iced

      Large iced black tea latte with choices of ice level, sugar level from no sugar to 100%, and milk options including whole, soy, or almond.
    • Black Tea Latte Medium Iced

      Chilled black tea latte, customizable with choice of ice level and sugar (0%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 100%). Options for whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Earl Grey Tea Large Iced

      Earl Grey tea, large, iced. Choose ice from no to regular. Sugar from 0 to 100%. Milk options include whole, soy, almond.
    • Earl Grey Tea Latte Medium Iced

      Chilled, medium Earl Grey tea latte with customizable ice and sugar levels, and choice of whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Green Tea Latte Large Iced

      Large iced green tea latte with customizable ice and sugar levels, choice of whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Green Tea Latte Medium Iced

      Green tea latte, served iced in medium size. Customize with ice (no to regular) and sugar levels (0% to 100%). Choice of whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Matcha Tea Latte Large Iced

      Large iced matcha tea latte with customizable ice (no to regular) and sugar levels (0% to 100%), choice of whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Matcha Tea Latte Medium Iced

      Iced matcha tea latte, medium. Customize with ice level (from no ice to regular) and sugar level (0% to 100%). Choice of whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Oolong Tea Latte Large Iced

      Large iced Oolong tea latte. Options for ice level ranging from none to regular. Sugar customization available from unsweetened to fully sweetened. Choose from whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Oolong Tea Latte Medium Iced

      Oolong tea latte, iced medium. Options: ice level from none to regular; sugar customization; choice of whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Strawberry Matcha Latte Large Iced

      Large iced strawberry matcha latte with choice of ice level (from none to regular) and sugar level (0% to 100%). Options for whole, soy, or almond milk.
    • Oolong Tea Latte Large Iced

      Iced Oolong Tea Latte, large. Choose ice from no to regular. Sugar level 0-100%. Options of whole, soy, or almond milk.
  • Creative Mix

    • Caramel Chocolate Large Iced

      Caramel chocolate, customizable ice and sugar levels. Options range from no ice or sugar to regular ice and 100% sugar.
    • Caramel Chocolate Medium Iced

      Asian-inspired caramel chocolate beverage, served iced. Choose from no to regular ice, and sugar levels from none to 100%.
    • Hibiscus Green Tea Large Iced

      Hibiscus-infused green tea, served iced. Options for ice (no to regular) and sugar (0% to 100%).
    • Hibiscus Green Tea Medium Iced

      Hibiscus green tea, served iced. Options for ice: no to regular. Sugar levels from none to 100%.
    • Honey Green Tea Large Iced

      Large iced green tea, honey-infused. Options for ice level: from no ice to regular. Sugar customization available from unsweetened to fully sweetened.
    • Honey Green Tea Medium Iced

      Honey green tea served iced with adjustable ice and sugar levels, including no ice/sugar to full sweetness.
    • Lemon Ai-Yu White Pearl Large

      Caffeine Free. Only available as a cold drink.
    • Lemon Ai-Yu White Pearl Medium

      Asian-inspired bubble tea featuring lemon ai-yu jelly and white tapioca pearls. Choose from varying ice and sugar levels for a personalized refreshment.
    • Lemon Green Tea Large Iced

      Large iced green tea with lemon. Choose ice from no to regular. Sugar levels range from none to full sweetness.
    • Lemon Green Tea Medium Iced

      Medium iced green tea with lemon. Options for ice: none to regular. Sugar customization from 0% to 100%.
    • Large Lemon Wintermelon Basil

      Large Lemon Wintermelon Basil Drink. Choose from: no/light/less/regular ice. Sugar levels: 0, 30, 50, 70, 100%. Refreshing blend with basil notes.
    • Medium Lemon Wintermelon Basil

      Medium Lemon Wintermelon Basil Tea. Options include ice levels from no ice to regular, and sugar adjustments from unsweetened to fully sweetened.
    • Lychee Oolong Large Iced

      Lychee oolong tea, served iced. Choose from four ice levels and five sugar percentages.
    • Lychee Oolong Medium Iced

      Oolong tea with lychee flavoring, served iced. Options for ice and sugar levels to customize sweetness and chill.
    • Mango Green Tea Large Iced

      Mango-infused green tea served iced. Options for ice: from none to regular. Sugar customization from 0% to 100%.
    • Mango Green Tea Medium Iced

      Mango and green tea blend, served iced. Options for ice level from no to regular. Sugar adjusted to preference, ranging from none to full.
    • Mango Yogurt Drink Large Iced

      Large iced mango yogurt drink. Ice options: from no ice to regular. Sugar customization: 0% to 100%.
    • Mango Yogurt Drink Medium Iced

      Mango yogurt drink, iced, with customizable ice and sugar levels ranging from no ice/sugar to regular ice and 100% sugar.
    • Passionfruit Green Tea Large Iced

      Include pearl and cocount jelly
    • Passionfruit Green Tea Medium Iced

      Medium iced green tea with passionfruit; options for ice (no to regular) and sugar levels (0% to 100%).
    • Peach Green Tea Large Iced

      Peach green tea, large, iced. Options for sugar level from 0 to 100%.
    • Peach Green Tea Medium Iced

      Peach-infused green tea, served chilled. Options for ice (from none to regular) and sugar content (0 to 100%).
    • Peach Yogurt Drink Large Iced

      Large iced peach yogurt drink. Options for ice: none to regular. Sugar levels from unsweetened to fully sweetened.
    • Peach Yogurt Drink Medium Iced

      Peach yogurt drink, medium, iced. Options for customized ice and sugar levels ranging from none to full.
    • Strawberry Green Tea Large Iced

      Large iced green tea with strawberry infusion. Ice choices: from no ice to regular. Sugar options range from unsweetened to fully sweetened.
    • Strawberry Green Tea Medium Iced

      Strawberry green tea, served iced, medium. Choose ice level from no to regular, and sugar from 0% to 100%.
    • Strawberry Yogurt Drink Large Iced

      Large iced strawberry yogurt drink. Choose ice level: no to regular. Sugar customization: 0% to 100%.
    • Strawberry Yogurt Drink Medium Iced

      Strawberry yogurt drink, medium, iced. Options for ice: from no to regular. Sugar levels: 0 to 100%.
    • Taro Milk Drink Large Iced

      Large iced taro milk drink. Options for ice: no to regular. Sugar levels from none to 100%.
    • Taro Milk Tea (Medium)

      Taro milk tea, medium size. Choose from no to regular ice; sugar levels range from unsweetened to fully sweetened.
  • Slush Series

    • Caramel Chocolate Slush Large

      Only available as a cold drink.
    • Caramel Chocolate Slush Medium

      Caramel chocolate slush with customizable sugar level (0%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 100%).
    • Lychee Slush Large

      Caffeine free. only available as a cold drink.
    • Lychee Slush Medium

      Lychee slush, medium size. Options for sugar level ranging from no sugar to 100%.
    • Mango Milk Slush Large

      Caffeine free. only available as a cold drink.
    • Mango Milk Slush Medium

      Mango milk slush with choice of sugar level (0% to 100%) and milk type (whole, soy, almond).
    • Matcha Milk Slush Large

      Caffeine free. only available as a cold drink.
    • Matcha Milk Slush Medium

      Matcha green tea slush with choice of whole, soy, or almond milk. Sugar level options range from unsweetened to fully sweetened.
    • Passionfruit Yogurt Slush Large

      Caffeine free. only available as a cold drink.
    • Passionfruit Yogurt Slush Medium

      Passionfruit yogurt slush, medium size. Options for sugar level include no sugar to 100%.
    • Strawberry Milk Slush Large

      Caffeine free. only available as a cold drink.
    • Strawberry Milk Slush Medium

      Strawberry milk slush with choice of sugar level (0-100%) and milk option (whole, soy, almond).
    • Taro Milk Slush Large

      Caffeine Free. Only Available as a Cold Drink.
    • Taro Milk Slush Medium

      Taro milk slush with customizable sugar (0-100%) and milk choices (whole, soy, almond).

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