Scrambled eggs ham or bacon strips, and com cake or com cake filled with cheese
Huevos Fritos En Cacerola
Fried eggs
Calentado El Arriero
Servido con Carne Asada, Huevos al gusto, Arepa, Queso, Chocolate o Café (Served with Roast Beef, Eggs to taste, Arepa, Cheese, Chocolate or Coffee)
Entradas - Appetizers
Frankfurter accompanied with french fries and a variety of sauces
Especialidades del Arriero - Our Signature Dishes
Bandeja Paisa
Arroz, Frijoles, Platano Maduro, Huevo, Chicharrón, carne a la parrilla, chorizo Antioqueño, Arepa y Aguacate (Rice, Beans, Banana, Maduro, Egg, Chicharrón, grilled meat, Antioquian chorizo, Arepa and Avocado)
Cazuela Montañera
Frijoles, Arroz, Pedacitos de Maduro, Chicharrón, Chorizo, Aqntioqueño, Aguacate (Beans, Rice, Bits of Maduro, Chicharrón, Chorizo Aqntioqueño, Avocado)
Carne - Meats
Lomo De Cerdo
Lomo de Cerdo preparado al gusto, a la Parrilla (Pork loin prepared to taste, grilled)
Churrasco A La Parrilla
Grilled Flank Steak
Punta De Anca A La Parrilla
Grilled Angus Beef
Bistec A Caballo
Carne de Res a la Parrilla acompañada con Huevos en su Clásica Preparación (Grilled Flank Steak accompanied with Eggs for a Classic Cooking Style)
Bistec A La Plancha
Flank Steak Grilled
Bistec Encebollado O A La Criolla
Flank Steak with Sauteed Onions or in a special Colombian Criolla sauce
Pollo - Chicken
Pechuga De Pollo A La Parrilla
Boneless Breast of Chicken Grilled
Pechuga De Pollo Encebollada
Boneless Breast of Chicken sauteed with Onions
Punta De Pollo Con Champiñones
Boneless Breast of Chicken sauteed with Mushrooms in Cream Sauce
Pescado - Fish
Mojarra Frita
Whole Deep Fries Tilapia to Perfection
Tilapia Frita
Domingos - Sundays
Mondongo Paisa
Autentico Platano Antioqueño preparado a todo sabor y gusto del Arrie. Panzita de Res Carne de Cerdo, Papa y Cilantro, Servido con Arroz Blanco y Aguacate (Authentic Platano Antioqueño prepared to all flavors and tastes of the Muleteer. Beef belly Pork, Potato and Cilantro, Served with White Rice and Avocado