Double Trouble Union is a restaurant that serves American comfort food with a Korean twist. Our team being Korean Americans, it made sense to serve what we identify ourselves as. Our parent company, CNP (Culture N People) takes pride in being one of the most acknowledged branding companies in Korea and is known for successful brands, such as Our Bakery @ourbakerycoffee, Dosan Bunsik @dosanbunsik, Foodyinkorea @foodyinkorea, Nice Weather @niceweather.seoul, and of course, Double Trouble Union @dt_union. CNP has launched brands in the U.S. such as Seoul Pho @seoul_pho, Thanks Pizza, Hyunghoon Tendon @hyunghoon_us, Two Hands @twohands.corndogs, and we look forward to presenting you with more. Much Love, D.T. Union