Cuban Cafe Menu

120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301
  • Jugos Organicos / Organic Juice

    • ORGANIC Blood Harmony

      ORGANIC:\n - Beetroot 🥗\n- Apple 🍎\n- Ginger root 🫚\n- Carrots 🥕\n\nThis tasty red juice purifies and strengthens your blood, improving blood flow and nourishing your blood cells!\nBeetroot is the star ingredient in this juice. It is best known as a blood🩸purifier that helps in the creation of red blood cells. Beet juice is also high in dietary nitrate, and a rich source of folate and manganese. 👌\nIts superstar powers help to improve the structure of your blood and aids in curing diseases of the circulatory system, large intestine, and digestive system, along with dissolving stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder. 🌿\n\n_CUBAN CAFE_ - I AM HEALTHY LIFE 🌿\n\nLiving healthy, it’s possible! 🌈.\n\n_Address:_ 120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301 📍\n\n_Delivery:_ +1 (971) 388-0976 or +1 (503) 339-7513 📲\n\n_Email:_ 📧”
    • ORGANIC Heavy Metal Cleanse Juice

      ORGANIC:\n - Celery stalks 🥗\n- Cucumber 🥒\n- Cilantro 🌿\n- Green apple 🍏\n- Fennel bulb 🥔\n- Lemon 🍋\n\nRid your body of harmful heavy metal residues with this combination of potent detoxifying ingredients!\n\nThis juice is a true nutritional powerhouse that will help you eliminate harmful heavy metal residues from your body 💪. Cilantro and parsley are known to bind and purge heavy metals from the body, purifying your tissues, organs, and blood 🌟. They also help improve digestion and protect against free radical damage 🌱.\n\nA recent study showed that cilantro even purifies water! 💧\n\n_CUBAN CAFE_ - I AM HEALTHY LIFE 🌿\n\nLiving healthy, it’s possible! 🌈.\n\n_Address:_ 120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301 📍\n\n_Delivery:_ +1 (971) 388-0976 or +1 (503) 339-7513 📲\n\n_Email:_ 📧"
    • ORGANIC Pineapple Mint Craze

      ORGANIC:\n- Baby spinach 🥬\n- Cucumber 🥒\n- Mint leaves 🍃\n- lime 🍋‍🟩\n- pineapple 🍍\n\nLet yourself drift away to a tropical paradise with this pineapple and mint combo and say "aloha" to improved digestion!\n\nThe mint leaves in this juice help to relieve indigestion, kill bacteria in the mouth (preventing tooth decay), beat bad breath and help to relieve 🙌symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome; while the pineapple boosts your intake of vitamin C and manganese, and aids digestion. Pineapple🍍 is also rich in bromelain, an enzyme that helps to breaks down protein and reduces inflammation in the body. 💪\n\n_CUBAN CAFE_ - I AM HEALTHY LIFE 🌿\n\nLiving healthy, it’s possible! 🌈.\n\n_Address:_ 120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301 📍\n\n_Delivery:_ +1 (971) 388-0976 or +1 (503) 339-7513 📲\n\n_Email:_ 📧”
    • ORGANIC Cellulite Release

      ORGANIC: \n- Red grapefruits 🍑\n- Orange 🍊\n- Mint leaves 🍃\n\nEnjoy this citrus delight to help give cellulite the flick!\n\n**Why it's so good for you: **\nThe combination of ingredients in this juice helps to improve blood🩸\ncirculation, boost your metabolism, and detoxify toxins, helping to prevent excess fat cells forming in the body.💪 Due to the high vitamin C content, it also helps produce collagen to firm up the skin🧒 and reduce fluid retention - all of which contribute to the formation of pesky, unwanted cellulite!\nGrapefruits and oranges also support the immune system and may help inflammatory conditions such as asthma,⭐ osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.\nRefresh and rehydrate with this delicious skin-supporting drink!🌿\n\n_CUBAN CAFE_ - I AM HEALTHY LIFE 🌿\n\nLiving healthy, it’s possible! 🌈.\n\n_Address:_ 120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301 📍\n\n_Delivery:_ +1 (971) 388-0976 or +1 (503) 339-7513 📲\n\n_Email:_ 📧”
    • ORGANIC Ultimate Green Detox

      ORGANIC:\n - Celery stalks 🥗\n- Cucumber 🥒\n- Kale leaves 🌿\n- Lemon or lime 🍋\n- Pear 🍐\n- Superfood green powder 💪\n\nReduce inflammation of the digestive system and alkalize your body with this refreshing, cleansing juice!\n\nPacked with greens to detoxify, hydrate and nourish your cells. It's the perfect pick-me-up or healthy morning kick-start.🌟\n\nWhy it's so good for you:\nCelery provides protection against inflammation of the digestive tract, with just🥤one cup meeting more than ⅓ of your daily needs for vitamin K (necessary for bone health and blood🩸 clotting).\n\n_CUBAN CAFE_ - I AM HEALTHY LIFE 🌿\n\nLiving healthy, it’s possible! 🌈.\n\n_Address:_ 120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301 📍\n\n_Delivery:_ +1 (971) 388-0976 or +1 (503) 339-7513 📲\n\n_Email:_ 📧”
    • 0RGANIC Energize Zingiber Lemon

      ORGANIC:\n- Filtered water 💧\n- Ginger root 🫚\n- Juice of lemon 🍋\n- Raw honey 🐝\n\nStart your day fresh or reinvigorate yourself later in the day with this energizing tummy tamer!\n\n**Why It's So Good For You**\nThere's a reason why so many of us wake up to a glass of warm lemon water! Lemon juice🍋 helps flush out toxins and aids digestion by encouraging the production of bile. It is also a great source of essential nutrients including citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.🌟\nGinger has been used for over 2,000 years to help support digestion and treat stomach upsets, diarrhea, and nausea. The addition of ginger to this drink helps to soothe the stomach, reduce inflammation and provide a gentle pick-me-up!💪\n\n_CUBAN CAFE_ - I AM HEALTHY LIFE 🌿\n\nLiving healthy, it’s possible! 🌈.\n\n_Address:_ 120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301 📍\n\n_Delivery:_ +1 (971) 388-0976 or +1 (503) 339-7513 📲\n\n_Email:_ 📧”
    • ORGANIC Turmeric Ginger Anti-Inflame Shot

      ORGANIC:\n - Ginger root 🫚\n- Turmeric root 🍠\n- Green apple 🍏\n (1/4 OF A NORMAL GLASS)\n\nA quick shot of goodness that will fight inflammation, ward off colds and flu, and soothe stomach upsets!\n\n**Why it's so good for you: **\nThis juice shot combines two incredibly powerful💪 ingredients that your body adores! The combination of turmeric and ginger offers a potent mix🌟 of compounds that are anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, offering huge immunity benefits!🌿\n\n_CUBAN CAFE_ - I AM HEALTHY LIFE 🌿\n\nLiving healthy, it’s possible! 🌈.\n\n_Address:_ 120 Front St NE, Salem, OR 97301 📍\n\n_Delivery:_ +1 (971) 388-0976 or +1 (503) 339-7513 📲\n\n_Email:_ 📧”
  • ORGANIC Smoothies

    • ORGANIC Berry Vibrant Life

      ORGANIC: Baby spinach leaves, avocado, frozen organic berries, banana, coconut water.\n\nFight free radical damage with this berry antioxidant-rich smoothie!\n\n**Why It's So Good For You**\nBerries are rich in antioxidants which help your body fight cell damage, premature aging and oxidative stress linked to the development of numerous diseases! All fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, but nutrient-rich berries are some of the absolute best sources! They're also a great source of fiber, and when combined with avocado, banana and the hydration from coconut water, this smoothie mix will also help detoxify your bowels and replenish electrolytes.\n\n\n
    • Green Detox Delight

      ORGANIC: Baby spinach, avocado, coconut milk, superfood greens and protein powder.\n\nCleanse, alkalize and nourish your cells with this creamy, chlorophyll-rich smoothie!\n\n**Why It's So Good For You**\nPacked with baby spinach, this smoothie contains high levels of chlorophyll and health promoting carotenoids (beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin). These phytochemicals have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties and are especially important for healthy eyesight, helping to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. It's also a source of plant-based iron, required for healthy blood cells and metabolism. Get even more goodness from this blend by adding in a serving of green juice powder!\n\n
    • Pure Energy Magnesium Smoothie

      ORGANIC: Frozen banana, cacao, pumpkin seeds, tahini, cinnamon, almond milk, baby spinach and protein powder.\n\n**"Unlock natural energy and vitality anytime. Our Magnesium Boost Smoothie combines the benefits of magnesium with potent antioxidants and protein to:\nBoost your energy and vitality thanks to magnesium and potassium\nProtect your heart and blood vessels with antioxidants from cacao\nSupport your digestive health with natural fiber from banana and spinach\nStrengthen your muscles with high-quality protein\nDelight your senses with the rich chocolate flavor of cacao and creamy tahini\nNatural ingredients, powerful benefits. Nourish your body with our Magnesium Natural Energy Smoothie
    • Heavy Duty Detox Smoothie

      ORGANIC: Frozen blueberries, lemon, cilantro, parsley, green apple, chia seeds, coconut water and superfood green powder.\n\nThis smoothie is refreshing, alkalizing and delicious, and will also help gently eliminate heavy metals from your body.\n\n**Why It's So Good for You**\nWe are often exposed to products that contain toxic heavy metals. Many of us come into contact with them through the environment, products we use in our daily lives, and even products we cook with such as aluminum cans, aluminum foil and metal cookware.\nThankfully, removing these heavy metals is simply done by consuming the right foods. This smoothie is designed to pull heavy metals out of your organs, where they can accumulate over time.\n
    • Mintastral Mocha Madness Smoothie

      ORGANIC: Warm coffee, coconut oil, cinnamon, cacao powder, pure vanilla extract, pitted dates, mint leaves and superfood protein.\n\nWhy It's So Good For You**\nDespite what you may have been told, coffee actually offers some health benefits when consumed in moderation. Coffee beans are packed with antioxidants, and have been shown to help protect against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, and liver cancer! The addition of a healthy fat and protein source to this smoothie also helps to slow the release of the caffeine into your system, reducing the likelihood of an energy crash!\n
    • Charge Up Smoothie

      ORGANIC: Spinach, cucumber, avocado, pineapple and lime, coconut water and superfood green powder.\n There are many ways to enjoy the health benefits of pineapples, including green smoothies! Aside from the delicious taste, this smoothie provides a host of health benefits.\n\n**Why It's So Good for You**\nBesides the fact that pineapples instantly remind you of being on a tropical island, this amazing tropical fruit can help you get glowing skin, reduce bloating and digestive issues, prevent colds and flu, reduce inflammation and even strengthen your bones! That tropical fruit with its spiky green leaves and rugged golden skin is, in fact, a collection of multiple fruits, and a powerhouse of health benefits!\nFresh pineapple provides a host of vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and manganese! Pineapples also contain the digestive enzyme bromelain, a natural enzyme that supports the digestive system in breaking down and absorbing nutrients from the food we eat. Studies show that the bromelain enzyme in pineapples can reduce swelling, bruising, healing time, and pain associated with injury and surgical intervention, as well as inflammation in the body.\n\n
    • Purezza Green Smoothie

      ORGANIC: Spinach, cucumber, parsley leaves, cilantro, knob ginger, lime, chia seeds and coconut water.\n\nThis smoothie is packed with alkalizing greens, fiber and is bursting with flavor from the ginger and lime.\n\n**Why It's So Good For You**\nThis refreshing and tangy green smoothie is packed full of nutritious ingredients and will have you glowing from the inside out! The combination of ginger, lime, and fresh herbs make it extra special!\nGinger has a variety of health benefits and has been used medicinally for centuries. Being widely known for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, the addition of ginger in this smoothie adds a new depth of warmth, spice and flavor.\nMany green smoothies involve a lot of fruit and sweetener. This recipe is specially designed to include no added fruit sugar to aid with the natural detoxification process and keep blood sugar levels in check. The tangy lime helps to lift the greens and provide a new level of flavor without sugar.\n\n\n\n
    • Cosmic Cacao Elixir Smoothie

      ORGANIC: Almond milk, raw cacai, frozen banana, chia seeds, almond butter, cinnamon and ice.\n\nCacao or raw chocolate is packed with antioxidants that can boost your . mood, protect your brain health, and increase blood flow to the brain, . which helps with the tension span, staying focused and your memory... Try making this smoothie to feel . alert and energized throughout the day
    • Pina Colada Shake

      ORGANIC: Pineapple, banana, coconut mikl, greek yogurt and shredded coconut.\n\nThis creamy tropical blend, packed with:\n• Potassium-rich bananas for vibrant energy\n• Anti-inflammatory pineapples for immune boost\n• Healthy fats from coconut milk for glowing skin\n• Probiotic Greek yogurt for gut happiness\nA nutrient-dense escape in every sip!”\nO alternativa más corta:\n“Tropical nutrition in every sip: potassium, anti-inflammatories, healthy fats & probiotics blend for blissful wellness.”
    • Hydra Coconut Oasis

      ORGANIC: Cucumber, frozen blueberries, sea salt and coconut water.\n\nThe ultimate thirst quencher and hydration drink packed with electrolytes and antioxidants.\n\n**Why It's Good For You:**\nCoconut water has so many amazing health benefits. It's packed full of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. The star of the show is potassium, but it also contains a small amount of sodium, calcium, and magnesium, making it the perfect natural electrolyte drink.\nElectrolytes are critical to maintaining hydration and preventing dehydration, as well as maintaining blood volume and heart health. Maintaining electrolyte levels can help reduce dehydration, fatigue, stress, and helps aid muscle relaxation.\nCoconut water also tastes delicious and is the perfect base for any smoothie or even on its own with a squeeze of lime. That's what makes this coconut hydrator so good for you.\nOf course, coconut water from the coconut is best, but when buying commercial coconut water, choose brands without any added sugar or preservatives.\n
    • Avocado Emerald Elixir

      ORGANIC: Almond milk, Spinach, hemp seed, medjool dates, frozen banana, avocado and ice.\n\nThe bananas and avocados lend a creaminess to the whole shake while supplying you with fibre and a quick energy boost. Avocados are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, reducing cardiovascular disease risk. They're also rich in potassium, essential for balancing blood pressure.
  • Bebidas / Drinks

    • Té De Hierbas / Herbal Tea

      Herbal tea typically includes a blend of dried herbs, flowers, and fruits. Please inquire about our rotating selections.
    • Café De La Casa / House Coffee

      House coffee. Choice of 12 oz, 16 oz, or 20 oz.
    • Americano

      Hot espresso diluted with water, available in 12 oz, 16 oz, or 20 oz sizes.
    • Espresso

      12 oz.
    • Chocolate Caliente / Hot Chocolate

      Rich hot chocolate available in 12 oz, 16 oz, or 20 oz sizes.
    • Té Chai / Chai Tea

      Chai tea, spiced and soothing, with size options: 12 oz, 16 oz, 20 oz.
    • Latte

      Coffee latte with steamed milk, available sizes: 12 oz, 16 oz, 20 oz.
    • Cappuccino

      Cappuccino with choice of sizes: 12 oz, 16 oz, 20 oz.
    • Macchiato

      Espresso marked with a dollop of milk foam. Choose from 12 oz, 16 oz, or 20 oz.
    • Breve

      Soda-style coffee breve. Available in 12 oz, 16 oz, 20 oz sizes.
    • Mocha

      Rich espresso blended with steamed milk and chocolate, available in 12 oz, 16 oz, or 20 oz sizes.
    • Café Colado Frío / Cold Brew

      Cold brew coffee, available in 12 oz, 16 oz, or 20 oz sizes.
    • Affogato

      12 oz.
    • Cubano / Cuban

      12 oz.
    • Nutella

      Nutella beverage, choice of 12, 16, or 20 oz.
    • Matcha

      Matcha green tea, customizable sizes: 12 oz, 16 oz, 20 oz.
    • Té Verde / Green Tea

      Green tea, options for 12 oz, 16 oz, or 20 oz sizes.
  • Menú / Menu

    • Sándwich Cubano / Cuban Sandwich

      Pan francés, mayonesa, mostaza, pimienta de cayena, queso suizo, jamón, puerco y pepino. / French bread, mayonnaise, mustard, cayenne pepper, Swiss cheese, ham, pork and cucumber.
    • Tamales Cubanos / Cuban Tamales

      Granos de maíz, puerco, pimiento morrón, cebolla y hoja de plátano. / Corn kernels, pork, bell pepper, onion and banana leaf.
    • Cóctel De Camarón Cubano / Cuban Shrimp Cocktail

      Camarones frescos, mayonesa, ketchup y piña en cubos. / Fresh shrimp, mayonnaise, ketchup and cubed pineapples.
    • Empanadas Cubanas / Cuban Empanadas

      Relleno de pollo, espinaca, picadillo o guayaba. / Filled with chicken, spinach, beef or guava.
    • Ropa Vieja Cubana / Cuban Ropa Vieja

      Res deshebrada con arroz blanco y frijoles negros. / Shredded beef with white rice and black beans.

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