price per pound - Crawfish prices are based on the current market price. These prices could change frequently. To find the most updated prices, check our Facebook and Instagram accounts, or call us directly.
Live Crawfish
price per pound - Crawfish prices are based on the current market price. These prices could change frequently. To find the most updated prices, check our Facebook and Instagram accounts, or call us directly.
Corn (3 Pcs.)
boiled in our crawfish boil seasonings
Potatoes (4-5)
boiled in our crawfish boil seasonings
Sausage Link
boiled in our crawfish boil seasonings
Mix (2 Corn / 2 Potatoes)
boiled in our crawfish boil seasonings
Sausage Mix (2 Corn, 2 Potatoes, 1/2 Link Sausage)