Chewie & Mellow Menu

2222 Michelson Dr STE 236, Irvine, CA 92612
  • Desserts Bowl 独家甜品碗

    • Pandan Paradise QQ芋圆斑斓布丁碗

      Ingredients: Pandan Pudding, QQ Taro Balls, Red Bean, Sago, Crystal Coconut Ball\nMilk: House Special Coconut Milk\n
    • Blue Sea 蝶梦星空饱饱碗

      Ingredients: Butterfly Pea Pudding, Purple rice, Sago, Granola, Coconut Jelly, Taro ball\nMilk: House Special Coconut Milk
    • Strawberry Fields 草莓甜心碗

      Ingredients: Strawberry Pudding, Crystal Boba, Sago, Strawberry, Golden Boba, Water Chestnut Popping Boba\nMilk: House Special Milk
    • Silken Soy 豆花布丁全家福

      Ingredients: Soybean Pudding, Golden Boba, QQ Taro Balls, Fresh Taro Mochi, Water-Chestnut Popping Pearls, Red Bean\nMilk: No additional milk for this bowl
    • Peach Princess 蜜桃公主碗

      Ingredients: Peach Pudding, Crystal Boba, Sago, Peach, Golden Boba, Water Chestnut Popping Boba, Rose, Pudding Bear\nMilk: House Special Milk
    • Sweet Taro Bowl 芋圆双芋奶冻碗

      Ingredients: Egg Pudding, QQ Taro Balls, Sago, Barley, Red Bean, Mashed Taro\nMilk: House Special Milk\n\n
    • Grass Jelly Medley 五拼椰汁烧仙草碗

      Ingredients: Grass Jelly, Red Bean, Sago, Taro balls, Barley, Raisin\nMilk: House Special Coconut Milk
    • Sweet Purple Bliss 椰香紫米芋泥麻薯碗

      Ingredients: Egg Pudding, QQ Taro Balls, Red Beans, Sago, Purple Rice, Fresh Taro Mochi\nMilk: House Special Coconut Milk\n\n
    • Chocolate Forest 可可阿华田酷脆碗

      Ingredients: Chocolate Pudding, Golden Boba, Sago, Chocolate curls, Granola\nMilk: House Special Milk\n
    • Tropical Mango 芒果紫米饱饱碗

      Ingredients: Mango Pudding, Purple rice, Sago, Mango jelly, Coconut Jelly, Mango, Shredded coconut\nMilk: House Special Coconut Milk
    • Osmanthus Flower Bowl 银耳桃胶桂花啵啵碗

      Ingredients: Osmanthus Flower Pudding, Snow Fungus, Peach Gum, Golden Boba, Water chestnuts Popping Pearls\nMilk: House Special Milk\n\n
  • Merch 周边

    • Blind Box(Large) 盲盒大

      Large blind box,:The height is about 20cm\nAafter payment, you can contact the staff at the front desk to choose the style.
    • Blind Box(Small) 盲盒小

      Small blind box,:The height is about 8-9cm\nAafter payment, you can contact the staff at the front desk to choose the style.
    • Large Water Bottle 吨吨大水壶

      Extra large capacity kettle that can hold 1L of water at a time.\nColors can be selected by contacting the front desk staff, three colors in total.\n超大容量的水壶,一次可以装1L水。
    • Thermos Stainless Steel 不锈钢保温壶

      Stainless steel insulated jug with shoulder strap to carry on your back. Holds hot and cold water for at least 8 hours.\nColors can be selected by contacting the front desk staff, three colors in total.\n不锈钢保温壶,配有肩带,可背在身上。可保温冷热水至少8小时。\n颜色可联系前台员工选择,共三个颜色
    • Water Bottle With Strap 背带水壶

      Water bottle with strap to carry on your back.\nColors can be selected by contacting the front desk staff, three colors in total.\n带有背带的水壶,可以背在身上。
    • Blind Box(Medium) 盲盒中

      Medium blind box,:The height is about 12-15 cm\nAafter payment, you can contact the staff at the front desk to choose the style.
    • Thermos Stainless Steel 不锈钢保温壶

      Stainless steel insulated jug with shoulder strap to carry on your back. Holds hot and cold water for at least 8 hours.\nColors can be selected by contacting the front desk staff, three colors in total.\n不锈钢保温壶,配有肩带,可背在身上。可保温冷热水至少8小时。\n颜色可联系前台员工选择,共三个颜色
    • Thermos Stainless Steel 不锈钢保温壶

      Stainless steel insulated jug with shoulder strap to carry on your back. Holds hot and cold water for at least 8 hours.\nColors can be selected by contacting the front desk staff, three colors in total.\n不锈钢保温壶,配有肩带,可背在身上。可保温冷热水至少8小时。\n颜色可联系前台员工选择,共三个颜色
    • Duo Drinking Cups 魔力双拼水壶

      Holds two different drinks at once, comes with a shoulder strap for carrying on your back.\nColors can be selected by contacting the front desk staff, three colors in total.\n可一次性装两种不同的饮品,配有肩带,可背在身上。\n颜色可联系前台员工选择,共三个颜色。
  • Creamy Drink 浓郁真牛乳

    • Milky Red Bean 红豆沙沙生酪厚牛乳

      Ingredients: Red Bean,Read Bean Smooth\nMilk: House Special Milk\n蜜红豆+红豆牛乳冰沙
    • Milky Grass Jelly 仙草牛乳大满贯

      Ingredients: Grass Jelly, Red bean, Konjac Jelly, \nMilk: House Special Milk\n烧仙草+红豆+脆啵啵+特调仙草牛乳
    • Taro Milky Way 流沙芋泥大满贯

      Ingredients: Mashed Taro, Sago, Ube Cold Foam\nMilk: House Special Milk\n芋泥+西米+特调芋泥牛乳+芋泥轻奶盖
    • Oreo Chocolate 奥利奥巧克力蛋糕

      Ingredients: Sago, Oreo, Chocolate foam\nMilk: House Special Milk\n\n
    • Coconut Purple Rice 糯香厚椰紫米芋圆

      Ingredients: Purple Rice, Sago, Taro balls, Konjac Jelly\nMilk: House Special Coconut Milk\n黑糯米+西米+脆啵啵+特调椰奶\n\n
  • Real Fruit Drinks 清爽真水果

    • Pandan Avomango 斑斓牛油果芒芒

      Mango+Pandan Pudding+Avocado smooth\n黄芒果+斑斓布丁+特调牛油果奶昔
    • Super Refreshing Blackberry 酷爽黑桑莓莓

      Ingredients: Blackberry, Tea Jelly, Konjac Jelly
    • All Berry Blast(Smoothie) 桑葚莓果全家福(冰沙款)

      Ingredients: Blackberry, Konjac Jelly, Water Chestnut Popping Pearl, Tea Jelly, Cheesecake Cream Foam Top\n\n
    • Strawberry Hawthorn Crush 草莓山楂树之恋

      Ingredients: Strawberry&Hawthorn , Tea Jelly, Konjac Jelly \n\n
    • Dark Cherry Slush(Slushy) 霸气芝士车厘子

      Ingredients: Cherry, Tea Jelly, Konjac Jelly\n
    • Strawberry Hawthorn Trio(Smoothie) 莓楂三太子(冰沙款)

      Ingredients: Strawberry, hawthorn, Konjac Jelly,Water Chestnut Popping Pearl, Tea Jelly, Cheesecake Cream Foam Top\n\n
    • Orange Burst 爆汁维C大橘

      Ingredients: Orange, Lime, Tea jelly\n橘子果粒+茶冻\n
    • Peach Plum Duet(Slushy) 多肉桃李

      Ingredients: Peach,Peach Jelly,Konjac Jelly,Water Chestnut Popping Pearl,Peach & Plum Slush\n\n
    • Blueberry Freeze(Slushy) 蓝莓乐乐冰

      Blueberry Slush Sago,House Special Milk\n蓝莓+西米+蓝莓椰子冰沙
    • Sunshine Pineapple 手打菠萝冰拧

      Ingredients: Pineapple, Lime, Tea Jelly\n金菠萝+茶冻
    • Mango Tango 多肉芒芒椰

      Fresh Mango, Grapefruit, Sago, Mango jelly, House Special Coconut Milk\n新鲜芒果+西柚+西米+芒果椰果+芒果原浆+特调椰奶\n
  • Innovative Sweet Tofu Drink 招牌豆花饮品

    • Sweet Tofu Avocado 首创牛油果椰奶花

      Tofu Pudding, Avacado, House Special Coconut Milk\n手作嫩豆花+牛油果奶昔+特调椰奶
    • Sweet Tofu Red Bean 红豆沙椰奶花

      Tofu Pudding, Red Bean, House Special Coconut Milk\n手作嫩豆花+蜜红豆+特调椰奶
    • Sweet Tofu Mango 首创招牌芒椰奶花

      Tofu Pudding, Mango Puree, House Special Coconut Milk\n手作嫩豆花+芒果原浆+特调椰奶
  • Oriental Herb Dessert Drink 中式养生饮品

    • Beauty Peach Gum 红豆桃胶奶奶露

      Ingredients: Red bean, Peach Gum, Sago\nMilk: House Special Coconut Milk\n采购自中国产区最好的云贵地区的桃胶搭配上红豆和西米,外加丝滑的牛奶,这一杯真的很难让人不爱~、
    • Beauty Snow Fungus 仙女银耳厚奶炖雪燕

      Ingredients: Snow fungus, Red date, Snow Bird's Nest, Barley\nMilk: House Special Milk\n慢炖的古田银耳加入宁夏枸杞,云南独特的雪燕,软软糯糯,超级完美的一杯胶原蛋白~\n
    • Osmanthus Fermented Rice 新品:富桂米酿奶

      Ingredients: Fermeneted rice,Barley,Water Chestnut Popping Pearl\nMilk: House Special Milk\n金桂馥郁,酒酿入香。搭配已经渗进淡淡酒酿香的马蹄爆爆珠和糯糯的青稞,入口清爽自然,回甘会有阵阵的米酿香!\n推荐:默认甜度(不额外加糖)+少冰。\n注意:米酿因发酵工艺,本身就带有独特甜味,喝前请一定充分搅拌均匀!
    • Ginger Longan Red Dates 红气仔姜桂枣

      Ingredients: Dried Longan,Red dates,Chinese wolfberry,Ginger,Rose Flower\nMilk: House Special Milk\n现熬的桂圆酱+红枣+桂圆果肉+枸杞,加入仔姜磨成的姜粉,和云南玫瑰和,最后搭配纯牛乳。每一口都能感受到满满的温暖和营养,不仅能驱散冬日的严寒,还能补气血、养容颜,让你在寒冷的冬天由内而外的暖起来。(如果不喜欢姜味。的,大家可以选择去姜哦)\n推荐搭配:去冰/温热+默认甜度(适合冬季)
    • Longan Red Dates 元气桂圆红枣

      Ingredients: Dried Longan,Red dates,Chinese wolfberry\nMilk: House Special Milk\n现熬的桂圆酱+红枣+桂圆果肉+枸杞+黑糖加现熬的桂圆红枣水,搭配纯牛乳。牛乳淡淡的奶香与桂圆红枣的甘甜融入其中,它的味道更为醇厚,有着独特的果香,温柔地包裹着每一个味蕾。\n推荐搭配:去冰/温热+默认甜度(适合冬季)
    • Rose Peach Gum 玫瑰雪燕桃胶牛奶羹

      Ingredients: Peach gum, Snow Fungus, Rose Flower Water\nMilk: House Special Milk\n鲜炖桃胶+银耳+雪燕+云南玫瑰汁,最佳养颜单品,一杯胜过敷10张面膜\n
  • Lemon Juice 解腻柠檬水

    • Coconut Lemon Jucie 生椰柠檬水

      Lime+special lemon juice+Coconut milk. \nNOTICE: Recommended to be at least half-sugar, otherwise it will be acidic and affect the taste~.\n手打香水柠檬+厚椰汁+特调柠檬汁,清爽解腻。(因椰乳遇到柠檬酸产生分层和起絮为正常现象,饮用前摇匀即可)\n柠檬水推荐最少半糖,否则偏酸非常影响口感~
    • Butterfly Pea Flower Lemonade 蓝紫丝绒柠檬水

      Lime+special lemon juice+Butterpea flower jucie. \nNOTICE: Recommended to be at least half-sugar, otherwise it will be acidic and affect the taste~.\n手打香水柠檬+蝶豆花水+特调柠檬汁,清爽解腻。柠檬水推荐最少半糖,否则偏酸非常影响口感~
    • Brazilian Lemon Jucie 超解腻巴西柠檬水

      Lime + condensed milk + special lemon juice, super refreshing .\nNOTICE: Recommended to be at least half-sugar, otherwise it will be acidic and affect the taste~.\n手打香水柠檬+炼乳+特调柠檬汁,清爽解腻。(因炼乳遇到柠檬酸产生分层和起絮为正常现象,饮用前摇匀即可)\n柠檬水推荐最少半糖,否则偏酸影响口感~\n
    • Water Chestnut Lemonade 马蹄柠檬水

      Lime+special lemon juice+Crunchy Water Chestnut, refreshing.\nNOTICE: Recommended to be at least half-sugar, otherwise it will be acidic and affect the taste~.\n手打香水柠檬+马蹄爆爆珠+特调柠檬汁,清爽回甘。柠檬水推荐最少半糖,否则偏酸非常影响口感~
  • New Item Coco Water With Cold Foam 新品椰子水瀑布

    • Ube Coco Water 芋云紫薯椰云瀑布

      Organic coconut water with ube cold foam\n金标有机椰子水,融入天然紫薯的细腻香甜,搭配醇丝滑的紫薯香芋轻奶盖,带来层次丰富的口感,每一口都充满自然的甘甜与浓郁,低脂低糖。
    • Cocoa Tiramisu Coco Water 可可提拉米苏椰云瀑布

      Organic coconut water with chocolate cold foam\n来自马来西亚的可可粉,是可可粉中的爱马仕,和真牛乳萃出绵密的可可轻奶盖。与下层金标有机椰子水摇匀后,是提拉米苏的醇厚和椰子特有的清香。一口贼丝滑!

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