Especialidades de Desayuno / Breakfast Specialties
Servido con frijoles, papas y tortillas. Aviso al consumidor: es un peligro asociado por consumir huevos o cualquier carne de animal cruda, si tiene problemas crónicos del hígado o estómago o de la sangre o problemas del sistema inmunológico, usted corre el riesgo de enfermedad, por comer huevos, ostiones, carnes crudas, ingiéralos bajo su propio riesgo. Si tiene dudas consulte a su médico familiar. / Served with beans, potatoes & tortillas. Consumer advisory: we fully cook all food unless asked to do otherwise. There is a risk associated with consuming raw eggs or raw meat or blood. If you have any immune disorder, you are at the greatest risk of illness from raw eggs, meats, and oysters, and you should only eat these items fully cooked. If you are unsure of your risk, consult your physician. There is also a risk associated with consuming raw eggs or any raw animal protein if you have a chronic illness of the liver or stomach.