Put a large pan on a stove and add the olive oil to it.Set the heat to medium-low intensity. Add the chopped onions and sauté themuntil they’re tender. It should take no longer than 5 minutes.
Change the heat from medium-low to low on the stove. Adddry spice and tomato paste into the chopped onions and mix it all together. Nowadd the chopped garlic cloves into the mixture and stir it all together. Next,add the thyme and parsley to the mixture and stir it around for about 3minutes.
If the olive oil and juices get absorbed by theingredients, you can add more olive oil if the pan is too dry. Don’t add toomuch. Just a teaspoon should be good enough. The idea is to prevent the garlicand other ingredients from getting burned. If they do get burned, then it willdiminish their flavor.
Add several different layers of vegetables, starting inthis order: eggplant, whole garlic cloves, onions (use the leftovers), cabbage,spinach, whole scotch bonnet pepper. Pour 1.5 cups of water into the mix.Increase the heat intensity to medium. Cover the pan and let the food cook forup to 40 minutes.
Once the vegetables are tender, take out the scotchbonnet pepper and throw it away. Use a spoon to mash up the vegetables andblend them together. Don’t make it mushy, though. Put string beans and carrotsinto the pan and mix them together. Leave it to cook for 5 minutes. Add 0.25cups of water if the pan dries out.