12 oz bag of whole beans from intelligentsia coffee. Jhonny saavedra and cleotilde guevara have earned a big reputation with their small farm, el acerillo.
Onyx Roaster's Southern Weather
Southern Weather embodies everything we love about specialty coffee and has evolved into a foundational blend. We brew this in our own cafes as a “House” filter option and love how it balances the relationship between modern citric acidity flavors with full-bodied chocolates. This comfortable, yet.
Onyx Roaster's Eclipse
While most of our coffees thrive on the lighter side of roasting, there is a culture dedicated to the dark side. The traditional European style of coffee is still prevalent in many parts of the world and we honor this by crafting Eclipse—our most developed offering. The origin will change with seasonality but remains darker than a Darren Aronofsky movie at midnight.
Onyx Coffee's Monarch
Monarch is our most developed roast that conveys a flavor profile that we intentionally designed to work well with milk. Cream and plant-based beverages mix with ease, creating a rich, decadent flavor. It involves a natural, sugar-dense coffee
House Blend 5lbs
Burundi, Yandaro 12 Oz Whole Bean
Intelligentsia coffee presents yandaro. This lot was created from freshly harvested coffee cherry delivered by hundreds of smallholder farmers.
Intelli Rwanda: Murundo Kivubelt
Grown by a smallholder farmer's organization know as the People's Farm Black current jam, lime peel.
Persephone, By Intelligentsia Coffee
Direct Trade: A blend of coffees from Burundi, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Notes of black grape, hibiscus, lime.