its not a fern, but a warm-weather perennial related to the common edible garden asparagus. Usually growing as creeping spreading plants outdoors, but it is also common to be grown as indoor houseplants, where they make good "thriller" specimens in mixed containers or hanging baskets.\n\nLight// thrives in dappled shade, although it can be acclimated to more light. Keep it out of direct, bright sunlight, which can scorch the foliage.\n
\nSoil//moist, loose, well-drained potting soil. Outdoors, plant it in rich, well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. It prefers rich soil to thrive. Make sure containers have drainage holes.\n
\nWater// Keeping an asparagus fern hydrated takes a little effort, as this plant thrives on humidity. Indoor growing conditions can often be too dry, especially during the winter heating season. Mist the plant daily, focusing on the arching stems. If the plant appears to be turning brown and droopy, it likely needs more water. Keep soil moist, and water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Warmer, humid air, and daily misting will help it thrive. Outdoors, keep asparagus fern well-watered to prevent the soil from completely drying out.\n
\nTemperature and Humidity// Try to maintain a warm temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit and not dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit for too long. If you have a shady porch or a greenhouse, the indoor plants will likely respond with abundant growth over the summer. Avoid sudden changes in temperatures, which can cause the cladodes to drop.\n