Elderberries sourced from Countryside Elderberry in Eldorado, Wisconsin.\r\n Filtered Water, Local Countryside Elderberries, Dragon Fruit, Pear, Ginger, Raw Honey, Zinc
Avocado Toast
Avocado, Pink Salt, Lemon\r\n\r\nServed on local Sourdough Bread
Spicy Avocado
Avocado, Tomato, Chili Flakes, Pink\r\nSalt\r\n\r\nServed on Sourdough Bread
Sprouted Avocado
Avocado, Sprouts, Goat\r\nCheese, Black Pepper, Salt\r\n\r\nServed on Sourdough Bread\r\n\r\nWe partner with a small organic farm for our sprouts. Every now and then, sprouts become unavailable due to weather conditions. We strive to have them as much as possible.
Everything Bagel
Avocado, Everything Bagel\r\nSeasoning, Pink Salt\r\n\r\nServed on Sourdough Bread
Grass-Fed House Bone Broth, Grass-Fed Butter, Garlic Paste, Coconut Aminos, Reishi
Immunity Broth
Our grass-fed bone broth blended with our famous Hot Shot & coconut cream\r\n\r\nHot Shot: Turmeric, Ginger, Camu Camu, Oil of Oregano, Echinacea, Black Pepper, Honey, Apple, Lemon
Inferno Broth
Grass-Fed House Bone Broth, Ginger, Lemon, Cayenne
Bone Broth Hot Chocolate
This unique sweet & salty combo packed with nearly 20g protein will keep you full & warm this winter\r\n season! Grass-Fed House Bone Broth, Almond Milk, Chocolate Plant Protein, Cacao Powder, Pure Maple\r\n Syrup, Coconut Cream